Help!? My friend got sucked into multi-level marketing: How do I support them without purchasing things I don’t want?

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Direct marketing pinback by Etsy seller NannyGoatsCloset
Direct marketing pinback by Etsy seller NannyGoatsCloset
A friend of mine recently became an independent consultant selling through a multi-level marketing company. This new business venture seems to have replaced her former career goals. She is putting a lot of effort into marketing, spamming Facebook, and hosting parties to sell items. She had to buy into the company, and I get the impression that she’s struggling making her money back.

I want to support her, but I don’t want to buy any expensive products that I don’t need. I also don’t feel comfortable introducing her to my other friends or family members, because she’s so focused on making sales. I also don’t really agree with the questionable sales tactics of the company.

I can tell she needs encouragement, but how can I help her without compromising my own values? -Lorraine

Comments on Help!? My friend got sucked into multi-level marketing: How do I support them without purchasing things I don’t want?

  1. I was recently followed on Instagram by a stranger. When I checked out her page, she made it clear in her bio that she was part of an MLM, but she had good content, so I followed her back. She invited me to a Facebook group to learn about the program, so I joined. She sent me one follow up message and then left me alone. I actually think this is a super brilliant way to do this. She didn’t have to sacrifice her personal friendships and she targeted her instagram following to specific content that was likely to develop sales. I actually know other people who sell this MLM, but if I was going to purchase it, I’d purchase it from her, because I feel like she’s hustling without trying to use me. Perhaps you could steer your friend in this direction and help her develop some content. That’d be a great help to her without you having to spend money on something you don’t want.

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