The folks at Buzzfeed were on to something extra special when they concocted this list of 20 pop culture-themed baby nurseries AND how you could make your own versions — something special indeed! Themes range from Harry Potter to Pokemon to LOST (with polar bears included, of course) — here are few of our faves:

You can see the entire list at Buzzfeed — and if any of you attempt these themes (or are inspired to come up with your own), we wanna see it!
I’m a fan of all of these references, but I think the HP nursery looks the most aesthetically pleasing. Though the LOTR cradle is certainly epic.
My sons nursery was firefly themed, but nothing that elaborate!
Firefly themed! AWESOME!
SO cute!!
Now I want to work one of these ideas in to my toddlers room, or even my own!
Seriously – I’m 36 and I want that Harry Potter nursery for myself.
If I have another baby I’m so doing the Whovian themed one. I love it because it can mostly be a space theme with the Tardis and such as accents.
I told my husband to put a baby in me after looking at these…*sigh* Sometimes I wish I could tell infertility to suck it.
I’d like to tell infertility to suck it too.
Yay! I love this list. 🙂
The Doctor Who nursery is my friend Traci’s room for her adorable baby!!! It’s so awesome and random to see it here getting some recognition; I know they worked hard to make it look as great as it does.