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We know that sometimes a home just isn’t a home without a pet, and oftentimes pets have their own sets of needs, perks and home-enhancing features. These posts cover our furry, scaley, winged, offbeat friends.

Why I’m never taking my dogs to the vet again

There’s no better testament to how much owners influence the behavior of their dogs than the vastly different experiences that Aaron (that guy I married) and I have taking our dog Jackson to the vet. Here’s why I’m never taking our baby boy to the vet again…

Be careful with cloves and cats this holiday season!

How many people have heard that cloves can be used as a natural pest repellant? I personally have never tried it but a lot of people I know swear by it. Or are you decorating with cloves this holiday season? Here’s a little known fact about cloves: they are harmful to cats! I found out from first-hand experience…

Please paws the music!

Stop everything and look at this cat scratcher that looks like a record player. And yes, that cardboard record spins and that is a pose-able tone arm. Interactive for kitty, hilarious for you.

How taking a “nose work” class got my dog to finally accept my new partner as a pack leader

My boyfriend moved into my house almost a year ago. Today he’s my fiancé, and soon he will be my husband. Somehow, though, the most exciting new title he recently earned seems to be that of pack leader with my three dogs.

Using dung beetles to keep poop in check and other backyard hacks for your dogs

In our post about composting pet waste Homie Maria told us how she used dung beetles in her backyard to keep her dog’s poop in check. Of course we were all very intrigued, so Maria was kind enough to let us in on the dung beetle details. Including some other brilliant backyard hacks thought up by her gardening genius late husband…

Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the alien-looking axolotl

When I was younger, I had a book with fabulous pictures of animals around the world, and the most prized page showed an alien smiling beatifically. Okay, it wasn’t an alien, but axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum) certainly have a prehistoric and downright Pokemon quality to them, and what’s more with a big enough tank and the right care they can live in your home.

Make your own frozen dog treats — grain-free and healthy

During the summer months, my dog Hector gets overheated really fast. He’s a Corgi-black lab mix, so no matter what the season he’s got a thick black coat surrounding his stumpy little body at all times. This recipe came about after I made a large batch of stock from the remains of a roasted chicken, and it’s both easy and economical.

Has anyone tried composting their pet waste?

I’ve been thinking about alternative methods to dispose of my dog’s waste. There seems to be some controversy over the best disposal method. Has anyone tried composting pet waste? Is anyone aware of the environmental impacts of composting pet waste compared to throwing it in the garbage?