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“Homeowner”, “renter” or “squatter” – whatever the label, these occupants take the Offbeat wherever they go.

3 good relationship habits we carried over from wedding planning to married life

The wedding is over and it is still leaking into a lot of aspects of our lives. Some of the things I (and my partner) learned and implemented while planning the wedding are going to carry over into married life. Here are three good habits my husband and I have carried over from wedding planning to married life: Stir Fridays, Tasting Tuesdays, and Wedding-Free Wednesdays.

Not just for toddlers: Instigate time outs for roommates

We all, at one point in our lives, have lived with someone who we sometimes can not stand. Chores, curfews, cooking, bathroom space, they all come with challenges. Challenges and disagreements that can lead to arguments, which can lead to anger. The simplest and most effective solution I have found is something that is commonly believed to be only for young children: the concept of “time outs.”

How to move back in with your parents when you have kids

It was only supposed to be temporary, but long story short, a year later we’re still here in my mother-in-law’s basement. I share my bedroom with my husband and almost-two-year-old daughter, while my son sleeps in the upstairs guest room and plans his eighth birthday. We’re getting ready to move back to the Island but in the meantime I’ve been learning how to share space with two other adults who also happen to be my kids’ grandparents.

Navigating money issues with lower income roommates

I love my roomies, but while I have a sizable savings account and decent income, they are barely living paycheck to paycheck, even with help from family. Our rent is going up and though they’ve assured me they can afford it, I’m getting nervous. I don’t want to loan them money, but I do want to stay current on our bills.

I don’t plan to stay married to the person I’m married to today

In which I analyze personal evolution and its role in long-term, monogamous, marriage. With every lesson I have embraced, with every tear I have released, and with every damn experience I have accrued, I have changed my opinion, my story, and my inner-most self, and so has my husband.

What’s the deal with gender-neutral parenting?

In recent years, however, we’ve seen a trend come about: parents are now choosing to raise their kids in “gender neutral” ways, eliminating any preconceptions about what a child should like or not like based on the sex they’re assigned at birth, in varying degrees.

sexless marriage

Married and celibate: Adjusting my relationship expectations in a sexless marriage

We’re barely in our thirties, but my husband and I are currently in a “sexless marriage” (defined as a couple who have sex “10 times a year or less”). I am writing this because I want other partners in similar situations to know that they aren’t alone.

Bisexual in a straight marriage

Coming out as bisexual to my husband was as strange as coming out to myself. I ended up speaking in so many circles that it took another conversation about two months later for him to realize that I was actually trying to come out to him. He had questions. I had questions. The biggest question was if I still wanted to be with him, or if coming out was also me realizing that I wanted more dating experience with other women.