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“Homeowner”, “renter” or “squatter” – whatever the label, these occupants take the Offbeat wherever they go.

How NOT to talk to pregnant women about their body

How NOT to talk to pregnant women about their body

I’m not sure there is a right answer for how to talk to a pregnant woman about her body, unless you fully understand your own relationship with that woman, or her own relationship with her changing body. In all reality, the worst offenders don’t come from my well-intentioned friends and family. They happen out in the world when I’m least expecting it.

Here’s how not to talk to pregnant women about their bodies…

No place to hide at this horror geek maternity shoot guest starring Jason Voorhees

No place to hide at this horror geek maternity shoot guest starring Jason Voorhees

Jayme and David are the nerdiest of nerd parents and are welcoming their new baby with a bang. Their maternity session guest starred Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th. We’re a little late for our last Friday the 13th, but who would ever say no to a repeat event?!

This is a killer horror geek maternity shoot…

Microaffections as revolution: one response to mass shootings and lock-down drills

Then my daughter tells me that tomorrow in school, there will be a lockdown drill and asks me if the alarm will be loud. I freeze.

We need softness in the face of terror, we need kindness in response to hate, and we need love as revolution. We need these tiny drop of some magic healing warmth. We need the opposite of the microaggressions that so many of us deal with daily… and I realize that what we need are microaffections.

On unexpectedly finding love after feeling like I don’t deserve it

I gave bits and pieces of myself to people that never really earned it. I was hurt repeatedly, but was okay with that, because I thought “I deserved it.” I had a resentment buried down inside of me so deep that it had tainted my being. I was told I wasn’t good enough and I believed it — I let myself believe his words. I had never looked in someone’s eyes and saw love. I just kept living with mediocrity.

And then I met her…

Resources for fathers-to-be that aren’t patronizing

Are there resources for fathers-to-be that aren’t weirdly gendered or patronizing? My husband isn’t an idiot and would love more information than “when can my wife have sex again?”, “when will I get to watch sports again”, or “how to do cope wife my wife’s craaa-aaaa-zzyyy hormones/body/cravings/etc?”

What's the protocol for family photos with future in-laws?

What’s the protocol for family photos with future in-laws?

I’ve been dating my partner for about two and a half years and we’re definitely on the road to marriage. He’s very close with his family and they are currently planning some family photos with my partner’s immediate family and his brother’s family (wife and kids). Since we’re not married, it feels weird to be part of their family’s photos, especially when I haven’t met them that many times (they live in another state).

Is it cool to have them take the photos without me? Is that even something you could safely suggest or should I just shut up and get in the picture?

My husband and I haven’t had sex, not even on our wedding night

I have been married for almost two years now, together for 11 years. But… my husband doesn’t want sex at all — not for the past four years. To clarify: We have not had sex, not even on our wedding night.

I can’t do this anymore. What should I do? Am I wasting my time? I need help.

Aromanticism: What if romantic love goes extinct?

A musician I adore named Moses Sumney has a new album called Aromanticism. It’s an exploration of our cultural fixation on romantic love, something that Moses says he’s never experienced.

I’m reminded of this article: Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? And all the news about how teens aren’t having as much sex.

And then I think about this old post I wrote about how my grandchildren will shock me