Category Archive


We launched as Offbeat Home in 2011, but it has become clear that the site is about much more. In 2013, we relaunched as Offbeat Home & Life, with an expanded focus on Relationships, Budget & Career, Travel, and Style. This is the category for the non-home/rest of life stuff!

Are you a mover or a stayer?

In recent years, I’ve begun to develop my own theory: people are either movers or stayers. I’ve met people who have lived in the same town their whole lives, and never felt the need to leave. I’ve met others who have “itchy feet” and are constantly on the move: six months here, two years there. So, I’m a little curious, Offbeat Homies: where do you fall on the mover/stayer spectrum?

Investing tips for a clueless twentysomething?

I’m a 27 year-old mother of one, part-time barista, freelance editor, and clueless investor. I’ve only got a little to spare, risk makes me nervous, and I am CLUELESS when it comes to funds/stocks/bonds/etc. Does anyone have any advice on the best ways to start growing a tiny nest egg?

Un-cool living to get more from life

We have a plan for our lives — a plan to save as much money as possible, so we can become financially independent in the next ten years, and then do whatever we want with the rest of our lives. You could call us Mustachians or Early Retirement Extremists, but really we just like the idea of being able to decide how to spend our time without worrying about a paycheck.

On being an aging weirdo

A aging nightlife colleague posted this online recently: “Really need to work on the whole “being fun” thing a little more. It’s too easy to just sit around being comfortable and old.”

I see these kinds of things a LOT from my peer group of aging freaks — right around 30. It seems like all of a sudden it’s staring you right there in the face: the stuff that we spent our 20s doing (in my specific case, dancing all night while intoxicated) suddenly doesn’t have quite the same pull, and there’s part of you that screams NOOOOOOO! I’m getting OOOOOOLD! And then there’s this reflex of MUST FIGHT IT MUST FIGHT IT.

The steps you should take when job hunting: Insights from the person who receives your resumes

I’ve spent the better part of the last three months hiring people for openings in my department. I’ve been looking mostly for entry-level candidates for marketing and writing positions, and have reviewed thousands of resumes (from online postings, job fairs, LinkedIn and referrals). I’d like to offer some general advice from a management perspective for getting your resume seen and getting an interview.

Creating a safe and happy home in a dangerous space

We very intentionally moved to our current home after a series of not-quite-right trials elsewhere in the country. In such a site, we saw our lives unfolding with love, adventure, and fresh air. And then, we lived in the home for a year, and realized things were not the way they had first seemed. The less pleasant characteristics of our neighborhood began to creep in, and their severity ranged from small to glaring.

7 super-easy ways to eat healthier food on a budget

Recently I decided that I should probably stop eating lunch from the fast food place across the road from where I work, and that existing solely on oven fries and breaded chicken did not a happy Kitty make. Along the way I found some quick and easy things that I could do to improve the quality of my food whilst still being on a tight budget.

Can we talk about birthmarks?

I have a birthmark.

As the name suggests, it’s always been there. This red mark between my lip and my left nostril, a permanent wound needing to be kissed. Apparently, when I was born, my mother thought it was cute. My aunt commented that I would surely hate it.

I don’t, really. I often forget it’s there.