Category Archive

Decor & Decorating

Sometimes we need inspiration — or just escapism. Whatever you need these images are drool-worthy and these decorating tips are just what you need. Dive in!

The awesomeness of bringing screen doors indoors

After asking “gah, why can’t there be something like a screen door, but for the inside?” there was a “baskets!” moment of realization: there’s no big reason that screen doors wouldn’t work. In fact, they’re practically the perfect solution, with a few small considerations.

Homies for the holidays: A festive peek inside your decorated pads

I was searching around for something to replace a Doctor Who angel Christmas tree topper (I waited too long and they’re sold out now, boo) it occurred to me that I’d LOVE to see what other Offbeat Homies have for their holiday decor.

Holiday decor that doesn’t take up too much space

The holidays are fast approaching. Both my husband and I come from families who love the holidays, so we both are super excited to have our own place to holiday-ify and celebrate together. However, the problem is we have NO room to store any decorations post-holidays. How do the Homies who live in small spaces decorate their homes without generating the tubs of decor to store away later?

Bathroom renovation: From jungle to under-the-sea

Although I loved the monkey accessories that Matt had since we started dating, after five years of living with it, I wanted a change. I have difficulty with early mornings, especially in the dark Canadian winter, so I wanted the bathroom to be so incredibly fucking cheerful that I couldn’t help but wake up and be alert in the morning!

Horrifically awesome mortician-themed bathroom

I stumbled upon mortician-themed apothicary jars, and it hit me. I’ve already made an apothecary-themed bathroom, what would a mortician-themed bathroom look like? I’m gonna say, it’ll look something like this…

How many ways can you re-function a non-functional fireplace?

After reading the post “my dog sleeps in the fireplace” I realized that there are probably TONS of different uses for non-functional fireplaces. I would LOVE to hear suggestions on what to do/how to decorate our non-functional fireplaces!

The coolest Whovian bathroom decor in all of time and space

The return of Doctor Who (this past weekend) is basically a holiday ’round these parts. Last time when I celebrated the season premier of Doctor Who, I rounded up all my favorite Whovian home goods. This time, in true Megan style, I’mma do a Doctor Who bathroom roundup!

Glowy shelves from an alien tree

Your cyberpunk-meets-rustic dreams are about to come true: World of Technology took some pieces of chestnut with cracks and knotholes and made them look other-worldly with some glow-y resin.