Category Archive


Keeping spaces nice and clean.

Family cloth: would you go toilet paper-free?

We’ve talked about all sorts of eco-friendly home hacks, but let’s try the final frontier of reusable toiletries: FAMILY CLOTH. The concept is pretty straight-forward: rather than wipe your butt with paper that you then wad up and flush into the septic system, you use small squares of soft fabric that you then wash and reuse.

No more toilet paper, ever. Wait, EVER!?

The secrets to cleaning a microfiber couch

My couch was already 10 years old when I bought it, but it looks DAMN good, thanks to the secret method I’ve figured out for keeping it shiny and soft. Even in a house of four kids.

What your personality type has to do with getting your house work done

I always thought I was a disorganized weirdo, but when I started reading about my Myers-Briggs personality type, things started to make sense. I had to work WITH my personality type to get the neat house I wanted.

Organizing realization: wine rack for towels

In keeping with what we often call “Basket Moments,” I present to you this simple but brilliant concept: using a wine rack for your towels.

Make your own citrus enzyme cleaner

Let me start out by saying I AM NOT A PATIENT PERSON. Just ask anyone in my family. No wait, don't. Just trust me on this one.

So when I read about making this enzyme cleaner that takes 3 MONTHS to "mature"…I just knew I could never stand the waiting! So I ALMOST passed on this idea….until I read a way how to speed the process up from 3 months to TWO WEEKS!

I thought about it long and hard….and after some DEEP soul searching…I decided I COULD do 2 weeks.

A month after making my batch of cleaner, I hadn't even gotten around to trying it — so I decided the bathroom would be my first "test subject".

Make your own homemade dishwasher detergent

I fear my hot water bill is going to be SKY HIGH next month! For the last couple of weeks I have washed and re-washed and re-washed AGAIN load after load of dishes trying to figure out just the right “recipe” for clean and CLEAR dishes! After taking a good, long look at my own dishes, I had to admit that the homemade version wasn’t doing quite as good a job as the stuff in the green box I’d been using for years.

Of course the store-bought stuff hasn’t been doing as good a job as IT used to do either since the ban on phosphates in dishwasher detergent went into effect. It took us MONTHS to figure THAT one out.

Anyway, I’ve got it sorted now — and I’m pleased to share.

Learn from a slob: $4 gets you a cleaner, more organized home in 28 days

We talk a lot about successfully riding the bucking stallion of cleaning and organizing, and today Nony from A Slob Comes Clean comes on board as our new sponsor.

Nony’s got a new e-book called 28 Days to Hope for Your Home, wherein she lays out a simple, stepped plan for conquering your inner slob. Using kind words. Words that won’t spook your feral inner slob.

The question that brought my home into organizational homeostasis

Wikipedia defines homeostasis as “the property of a system [to] regulate its internal environment and tend to maintain a stable, constant condition.”

Well, my home’s constant condition was chaos, until I figured out the core of my problem. It will help you prevent clutter build up and have a happier house, too.