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We know that sometimes a home just isn’t a home without a pet, and oftentimes pets have their own sets of needs, perks and home-enhancing features. These posts cover our furry, scaley, winged, offbeat friends.

This dog birthday party is exactly what you need right now

Need to take a political news break? Please, fill your eyes and hearts with these photos of the cutest dog birthday party you’ll see today (or, you know, ever).

Adorable wrinkly puppy faces ahoy!

How to stop a dog from eating too fast

My dog INHALES her food. She doesn’t even bother chewing it! Is anyone else is dealing with this? If so, I’ve done some research, and here are the ways I’m told that you can stop a dog from eating to fast. (And one thing to do if nothing works.)

Are you not entertained? Strategies for coping with canine cabin fever

Having worked in upstate New York as a foster for a local dog rescue, I know canine cabin fever. Through these experiences, I learned that when the weather gets cold, you have two options on how to entertain your pooch: suck it up or get creative. And here’s how…

Make this hilarious DIY monster pet bed in 3 easy steps

Want to DIY your own monster cat bed? I KNOW YOU DO!!! Here’s how to make one for yourself in three easy steps…

Everything you ever wanted to know about hypoallergenic cats!

Should you be a cat lover, but suffer from cat allergies, you may be thinking that getting a cat may not be a great idea. Fortunately, there exist certain cat breeds that may trigger no, or very little, allergic reactions! These breeds are known as “hypoallergenic cats.”

I am a cat lover and, because I suffer from cat allergies, I decided to share my knowledge related to hypoallergenic cats.

5 ways to get control over that tornado of pet hair

I have two dogs — a small fawn pug named Doug, and a giant yellow lab named Luna. I also had a yellow lab when I was growing up. I seemed to have forgotten the unbelievable amount of hair that Lab coats can shed.

It can be really hard to keep on top of all the pet hair. For the most part, it’s just part of life. If I don’t clean daily there will suddenly be tumble weeds of hair floating around the house. Every spring Luna’s big hairy winter coat decides it’s time to shed and next thing you know I am coughing up dog hair. But there are things you can do to help get control over that tornado of pet hair…

Hangin’ with my homebees: Our experience with “beekeeping lite”

We just received, what feels like, the most unusual wedding present in the history of matrimony. My new mother-in-law gave us a beehive — complete with ten thousand happily buzzing inhabitants.

So, if anyone is thinking of getting a beehive, here is what I have learned so far…

How do you explain that your fur baby is more than “just a pet”?

I chose not to have human children and instead to have the four legged furry kind. A lot of people have a hard time understanding for me she is not just a pet she is FAMILY. Most of the time I can choose to ignore the people who say “it’s just a dog.” But, after losing my fur baby, I cannot ignore them anymore. How do I accept their caring when they don’t get it? How do I help them get it? Or should I even bother to try?