Let’s dream about sleeping porches

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Source: rentalo.com via Fiercy on Pinterest

The last time I was over at my mom’s property, she was mentioning all the different places on her property where her and her partner like to sleep. They’ve set up beds on just about every deck, porch, and patio surface they could find. Now that it’s finally summer, I say ‘TIS THE SEASON for this kind of sleeping around. So let’s dream about some sleeping porches — and even one sleeping balcony, for those of us in the city.

Source: houzz.com via Brad on Pinterest

Source: klikk.no via Ariel on Pinterest

Source: google.com via Nicole on Pinterest

Source: houzz.com via Candace on Pinterest

Do you sleep outside during the summer? Do you nap on your porch? How’s that working for you?

Comments on Let’s dream about sleeping porches

  1. The family that I babysit for has a futon on their beautiful back porch. It is such a lovely, comfy spot to hang out on, and when the baby is being crazy and mom or dad need to get away for the night, they sleep outside while the other takes care of kid. It seems to be a really nice system for them. The kid and I like to hang out there, when I’m over,to watch the chickens or read books. It’s my favorite spot in their home.

  2. these are all so fantastic! And Ariel, your mom must be like me, sleeping is my favorite thing of all time to do. I LUV it. And I look at spots all the time and think “that’d be a great place to take a nap”

    When I retire (in about a million years) I am going to make my house full of “napping nooks” which are actually almost the same as reading nooks, and since reading is my 2nd favorite thing to do, that is perfect, no?

  3. I’ve slept on what’s technically the porch of my boat one super sticky night and it was bliss. Where we currently moor if I did this dog walkers could see me and I’m not much of an early riser. 🙂

  4. I wish I could sleep outside. I’ve got a really nice hammock in my backyard that sadly sits unused most of the year because it’s too hot where I live to spend any significant time outside. I miss growing up in the northeast where I spent many a night during the summers sleeping on a couch on my best friend’s porch. It’s like camping, but you don’t have to pee in the woods.

  5. Love this post! Every time I read To Kill a Mockingbird and it mentions Scout and Jem sleeping on the porch, I get a wee bit jealous. These are some fabulous options!

  6. My great-grandmother’s house had a screened-in back porch, and we slept there occasionally when we visited. The porch got pretty crowded over the years because they had two twin beds, a couch, and a table to seat six. I wonder why these screened-in porches have become less popular. It seems like everyone just has a deck. Maybe it’s because no one thinks of sleeping outside on a hot summer night; you just crank the AC up more. Shame…I want a covered front porch and a screened-in back porch. Decks are overrated.

    • I’ve got a screened in porch that has been around 95 degrees at night and incredibly humid with all the screens open…wishing I had the luxury of a good AC system right now so I could get an actual good night’s sleep! Funny how things in the past always seem nicer than they did in the moment.

  7. If we had a screened in porch, I’d love to sleep out there. I never did sleep on our daybed because I was always nervous I’d get woken by some random woodland visitor in the middle of the night, not to mention eaten by mosquitoes. But these are lovely. Also – in the second pic – I’m coveting those roll up blinds on the window and the lanterns. What a gorgeous space!

  8. Kinda jealous of everyone who can even walk outside without dying right now…it’s 104 and that’s one of the lower temperatures from the last few weeks.

  9. When I was a kid my family of 5 lived in a one bedroom house where my older brother’s bedroom was the porch! He got rained on sometimes …

    Now I just bought a house with a screened porch and my mom insists it is her room and she is sleeping there when she visits. I found her crazy until I saw this post and those porches look awfully cozy…

  10. The screen door on our porch is broken; otherwise tonight would be outdoors sexy and sleepy time! I once got to sleep on a suspension bridge over a lake. That was a peaceful sleep.

  11. OMG. Our getaway is our friend’s “farm” (not a working farm, but a residence a with a few acres and lots of gardens and animals and stuff) in Vermont. I literally DREAM about her amazing sleeping porch. It is the best place to sleep and to wake up.

  12. I want one of these so much it hurts. This would be my sleeping/reading nook. I would spend hours just sleeping and then reading and then sleeping some more. Oh my goodness.

  13. Last summer I lived in a dorm that was “motel-style” – the doors opened to these outdoor covered walkways. I was basically a live-in hotel manager for conferences that would go in and out. (By the way – a lot of universities let you rent dorm rooms during the summer on the cheap – hostel prices even – so if you’re looking to travel on the cheap that’s a good option. My university let you rent an entire room for about $20 a night. Sure, you might have to share a bathroom with another couple, but just travel with lots of friends and it isn’t a problem.)

    Sometimes we had guests in the same building, but when we didn’t, I’d take naps in my room with the door and window wide open. It was awesome.

  14. Oh what I would give for a screened in porch. I have horrible, chronic insomnia and about the only thing that helps besides meds (which I develop a resistance to pretty fast) is sleeping in different, often pretty weird places (I used to sleep on the floor or under the bed or occasionally in my closet as a kid). A screened porch would be heaven, especially with a nice foam mattress and flannel sheets…Imma go live in this fantasy now…

    • I did the same thing to combat my insomnia. The floor was my favorite place, especially the kitchen and hallway. I still find the floor rather comfy.

  15. Sometimes I sleep on our balcony when it is too hot. I love sleeping under the stars and waking to the early morning sounds. The BF does not like it, though, so I mostly sleep there by myself.

  16. Wow, those are nice.
    Besides being stuffed with so much crap that there’s no room to sleep, our add-on room doesn’t exactly have a scenic view; I’d get to look at the parking area of the house behind us.
    On the plus side, I do have a comfy reading nook with a loveseat for naps, as well as a window for ventilation.

  17. These are so lovely. It reminds me of my Great Aunts’ o-o-old house growing up. Super comfy chairs in the closed-in front porch. It was always the first place one could run off to for some peace and quiet. As things happen, both Great Aunts have passed away and the house was recently purchased by a young family. I so hope they love that house like our family did.

  18. When I lived up in Far North Queensland I had a friend coming to stay and no spare rooms so I set up a bed outside under the patio, near the swimming pool. I felt bad making him stay out there so I gave him my room and stayed out there myself. Within a week I had moved all of my things out there with curtains up for privacy (it was a share house) and spent a year with my bedroom outside. It was bliss and the pool had a waterfall on a timer so it started about 7am. It was a beautiful way to wake up every morning. I had a four poster so put up a mosquito net. It was really romantic as well.

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