You hardwood floor having bastards, you. Not only do you have the sexiest damn flooring of all the flooring, you now can have the sexiest damn power outlets of all the outlets. Invisiplugs power strips‘ wooden appearance makes your extra outlets blend into your hardwood floors.
At first I was all, mmmm really? And then I saw this picture and I was like, holy crap!:

Sadly, they don’t make one in “stained brown-ish cheap apartment complex carpet” yet. So I’m S.O.L. But which Invisiplug finish is going to revolutionize the power stations in your home?
When I first saw air vents that match hardwood, I was uhmayzed. This is similarly mind-blowing for me.
I find that the standard greige powerstrip with curious blacky-grey stains of a mysterious origin blend with my apartment carpet reasonably enough. (But seriously, did I spill soda on this, and if so, how is my apartment not on fire?)
Goddamn this is going on my wishlist immediately.
I don’t know whether to think this is genius or as ugly as those wood paneled cars off the 80s
Uhm. Wood paneled cars are also awesome? I suppose you didn’t get the memo, which would have been handed out on faux bois paper… It goes to show- different strokes and whatnot.
I personally think these are freaking ingenious, and that off -white power strips on my oak floors are the ugliest thing ever and really feng up my shui.
Sooo envious, we just don’t see this kind of weird and wonderful here in Aus, although I am in love with my foot switch controlled power strips that shut off all the standby appliances. I will trawl the interweb for the also mentioned wood grain vent covers tho, awesome idea.
If only they made one that looked like it started out as nice hardwood, but had become uneven and also gouged in many places, and looked as if a well meaning landlord had painted it black and then painted over it, piling up more layers of black annually for decades. Then it would match my hardwood.
This has been on my wishlist since this post aired. I was indulging in a little Pinterest and I just saw that a popular magazine I read posted this as a pin. We are really ahead of the trend curve on Offbeat Home & Life! I saw it here first!