I know Caissie St.Onge as a comedy writer and a kick-ass young adult fiction author. But she’s clearly also an awesome home accessory modifier. Caissie turned this sheep from lawn ornament to living room accessory then posted this pic on Instagram. Obviously, I had no choice but to bug her for more info…
It was a realistic-ish hollow fiberglass yard decoration my husband got me because we couldn’t afford these ancient stone sheep statues I once admired (they were really handsome, but like, $7,000). I liked the sheep how it was, but we kept it in our kitchen and the size and color kept making me think I was seeing our dear old dog, Frito Pie, who recently did that thing where he died. I wanted to walk into the kitchen pang-free, so I just primed it and painted it a color I shan’t mistake for anything but what it now is — a pink sheep! Pretty sure my dog’s soul lives inside it, though.

Caissie’s final piece of advice: “If you want to paint something into a kooky statement piece, I recommend any cheap spray primer (I used grey Krylon) and Montana Gold brand spray paint.”
This is pretty darn fantastic. Does the sheep have a name? I’m that weird person who would give it a name and then greet it every time I come home from work.
Also, LOVE that chair.
I wouldn’t expect to like this, but I really like this.
I love it! the pink is perfect. God I love spray paint!
Ok now I really want something like this and find myself with an over abundance of spare time – thank you inspiration! 😀
Seriously, so cute!
I think a neon green giraffe would be perfect in my living room, thanks for the instructions!
What a great idea. I’m thinking now of a neon farm for my two young boys! Just need space to put them 🙂
I need this.
Is the sheep from a website or anywhere that I can get one too?
Amazon is your friend! 🙂