Category Archive


A creative pregnancy announcement

Charlotte told friends she was pregnant and then filmed their responses. The result? Instant pregnancy announcement genius!

Theo’s water birth video

Erika sent us a link to this video, shot by Hailey of You Can’t Be Serious Photography in Brisbane, Australia. Warning: tissues are a must. Also, there are scenes that have breasts & breastfeeding, but the video is otherwise discrete. Theo’s Birth video from hailey bartholomew on Vimeo.

Can babies tell right from wrong?

The Infant Cognition Center at Yale University is attempting to uncover whether or not babies can tell right from wrong.

An interview with Pushba, the Russian goth mama

As we all know, I’m a little obsessed with Pushba, the Russian mama who is clearly not afraid to let her personality shine so bright that it’s blinded me here in Seattle, some 5000 miles away.