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How do you pull off an awesome low-budget, gluten-free, soy-free, worry-free birthday party?

I feel like my husband deserves to have a wonderful birthday, where he doesn’t have to give a damn about worrying about what’s in his food. I figured if anyone would know about throwing a party for a nerd with dietary constrictions on a budget, the Offbeat Homies would know. So how do you pull off an awesome low-budget, gluten-free, soy-free, worry-free birthday party?

“Meat adaptable” cooking to please veggies and meat-eaters alike (+ bonus lentil taco recipe!)

Maybe you are starting to make Meat-Free Mondays a regular at your dining table. Or maybe you are one-half of a vegetarian/meat-eating couple. As a vegetarian, I want more adventurous dishes, and my partner wanted meat. So over time, we have started cooking meals that are what I call “meat adaptable.”

“Rainbow Brite” beans and rice recipe

Because rice and beans is, in my opinion, a staple of a whole-foods vegan diet, I’d like to share with my homies another variation that, while not Megan-simple, is still delicious and will still please everyone — and it also happens to be pretty healthy. So here we have: Rainbow Brite rice and beans.

Fart-free spicy bean salad

I have to have protein or I get cranky and tired. It seems the best non-meat protein option is the musical fruit… beans. After doing some research I heard that a natural cure for gas is cumin seeds. So I got to work on a recipe that incorporated cumin with the beans to come up with a dish that had fewer musical side-effects.

A Megan-simple soup made with beans, veggies, leftover rice, and a TON of cheese

I live in Oregon, and we’ve officially moved into the COLD COLD SO COLD months. The other day I was rooting around in the kitchen for something hearty but easy, something that could be made in ten minutes or less. We had a ton of leftover steamed white rice from dinner the night before that I planned to incorporate, but I wasn’t sure what else to mix in.

Share your favorite veggie-friendly crock pot recipes

I am yearning for the delicious smells of dinner in the crock pot that I remember from childhood.

What veggie friendly meals do you cook in your crock pots? Thoughts on using meat-subs in recipes? Help us expand our meals by liberating this poor, neglected appliance!

Where can one find positive vegetarian-themed networking websites?

I recently joined (and subsequently deleted my account from) a vegetarian networking website. What I got was more of an anti-meat-eater coalition. Now, don’t get me wrong: there were some very kind people there, but the general attitude was aggressive. What I really just want is a supportive network for vegetarians, with little-to-no negativity. Has anyone heard of something like that?

Vegan cheeseburger recipe: Because vegans love bacon cheeseburgers too!

I hated being vegan for a long time, because I was missing out on bacon cheeseburgers. So I would waiver back and forth, until the day I figured I could just make anything and everything vegan. Bacon, cheese, hamburgers, all vegan-izeable. I was not a prisoner to my healthy conscious and did not have to live in it’s dark deprived shadows.