Display your sparkly burlesque pasties proudly
YES. Displaying burlesque pasties DOES seem like a great idea! Thanks Chae for sharing this photo in our Offbeat Home Flickr pool! Chae explained…
How trying to have a baby might change your sex life
I’m trying to get pregnant. I’m not taking the “go off the pill and see what happens” approach. I’m taking a more active approach. I’m thirty-four, and I think I want to have two kids. I’m not exactly worried about making that happen, but I figure that all else being equal, it’s best if we knock out the first one as soon as possible.
How black-and-white stag movies changed a tomboy’s feelings on sensuality
While I’m super secure in my gender identity, I came out of growing up an only child/daddy’s girl as an irrepressible tomboy. I may have grown my hair long and learned to walk in heels, but I’ve never known quite what to do with…sexiness? Sensuality? I don’t do that.
Proudly displaying my boudoir photos without making them too in-your-face
I did these gorgeous boudoir photos as a gift to my wife. Despite my insecurities, I feel confident and awesome about these photos and would love to have one framed and displayed somewhere in our house… but I don’t want to shove my thighs down my guests’ throats!
How I’m preparing myself for my daughter’s future sex life
I am painfully aware that M is quickly approaching the age where she won’t be able to resist the primal urge of her loins, and she will either pursue a sexual relationship or will give into pressure from a boy that she likes. I know this is normal and we all go through it but I want to try and make sure she is prepared to do it safely, and on her terms.
Passing for straight: parenting with a man as a queer woman
I hear some of you wondering “Then why bother telling him? If you’re monogamous with a man, aren’t you basically straight anyway? What does it matter what other people think?” All I can tell you is, it does matter. We are talking about no less than who I am, at my very foundation.
I talked about sex with my kids… and possibly scarred them for life
I always thought I’d rock having THE talk with my kids, but I think I might not have. Using the appropriate words was a cinch, but getting down to the mechanics of IT was a challenge.
Make the bedroom sexy, then use it as a set for a hot home movie
Part one: let’s make a pledge for a sexy bedroom. Part two: now that it’s tidy and sex-ready, let’s talk about making a little home movie.