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Snakey maternity photos

“I had a 2 hour photo shoot done yesterday at my apartment. As soon as the photographer walked in and saw my snakes he was all about taking pictures with them.”

The “safe” zone wasn’t so safe

I recently miscarried a child that I wanted very, very much. I went to the doctor last Wednesday and the doctor told me she couldn’t find a heartbeat, and the baby looked a little “under-developed.” About three weeks under-developed to be exact.

Aww, a cute fetal skeleton!

Thanks to Viva La Vida Photography for submitting this wonderful shot to the Offbeat Mama photo pool!

Kate at the organic blueberry farm

Thanks to photographer Lauren McGlynn for sharing this wonderful shot with me. She explains, “This is my friend Kate and her baby on her organic blueberry farm in North Carolina.” For two beautiful maternity shots from Lauren, keep reading… For more of Lauren’s wonderful photos, head to

Why I threw out my birth plan

Long before we made that ‘end-of-the-first-trimester-safe-zone’ announcement, I set out to arm myself with information. I bought twenty or so different books, ranging topically from c-sections to homebirths, joined every pregnancy website I could find, pored over every birth story I could get my greedy little hands on, and began deciding just how things would go this time around…

White or brown, girl or boy. It doesn’t matter.

It makes no difference to me whether it’s a boy or a girl, whether he has brown skin like me or she has light skin like my husband. I was born in Mexico City and my husband is from California, he is half Mexican and half Guatemalan with British ancestry (we think, sometimes he seems more Scottish to me) that makes him look white.

He-nesting while I wait for my son’s birth

The past 9 months have already been an ebb and flow of anticipation. Waiting to see my son on the ultrasound, hearing his heartbeat once a month, tracking the growth of the baby bump, finding out we were having a boy and waiting to finally be able to feel him move. Now we wait for the main event.