Category Archive


Libraries: the new go-to destination for maternity photos

Tenley Clark took her maternity session to the happiest place on the planet…and it’s not Disney.

How we’re handling our surprise pregnancy

We were in what many people would consider a “dream” situation for a first child. My husband and I had been married for over two years, we own the place where we live and we both have reasonably stable jobs. Despite all of this, I was devastated to find myself pregnant. I felt totally unprepared for this major life change — like I had been cheated out of the second half of my twenties, like I hadn’t gotten enough time alone with my husband. I was numb for about 36 hours after we found out.

Why we switched to a midwife 32 weeks into our pregnancy

My decision to switch to this midwife group turned out to be so essential to the beautiful success of my birth not because I got the unmedicalized birth, but because I ended up with a medicalized one.

Notes to baby: a pregnancy documented in photos

Rachel documented her pregnancy in photos each week and managed to look totally stunning every time — check out that week 30 sassy stance!

A laid back bohemian swim-and-tie-dye baby shower

Come spend a few (or thirty) minutes in boho baby bliss, why dontcha?

“All our love, Mommy and Momma”: considering identity and lesbian families

I don’t know what it’s like to grow up with a mom and dad, and neither will the daughter I hope to have.

How should we plan baby showers for additional pregnancies?

We’re throwing a baby shower for a second pregnancy — how can we make it fun without stirring up drama?