Category Archive


Eye Candy round-up: let’s all get our ogle on

It’s Eye Candy time! Wanna get in on the love? Drop a photo and a few sentences into our Flickr pool or send it to us.

Are there socially inclusive alternatives to Boy Scouts?

The recent decision by the National Boy Scout Association to continue to exclude gay members and leaders has pretty much finalized my decision not to let my son join. This is going to cause some rift in my family, as my husband was an Eagle Scout and my father-in-law is the local troop leader. Does anybody know of alternative organizations that teach similar skills?

Renee and Lois are having a baby and they’re so EXCITED!

Nothing says home like your actual home, and nothing says “We’re so happy we’re having a baby!” like huge smiles plastered on your faces. Lois and Renee are definitely stoked about their impending arrival of their firstborn!

Adopting the son I helped to conceive: how second-parent adoption reframes parenthood

The second-parent adoption has been an ongoing reminder that I need to reframe my ideas of motherhood for myself. Through this entire journey of conception to adoption I have been tested on my ability to bring myself out of melancholy thoughts and into recognition of everything I have to be grateful for. Just because I have always identified as a mother in one way, doesn’t mean I cannot be as much of a mother in different way.

DIY rainbow bling for a Pride parade (or any ol’ day!)

One of the side-effects of being in a burlesque troupe is having buckets and buckets of rhinestones laying about. I had wanted to have this necklace finished in time to for the Pride Parade. As you can see in my inspiration picture above, the necklace that inspired this one is also rainbow-themed, but I wanted to take it in a more over-the-top rainbow direction. Here’s how you can over in a more over-the-top rainbow direction, too…

(With bonus applications like rainbow stagecoach robber, and rainbow garden gnome!)

JCPenney’s Father’s Day ad is rocking my world

All of a sudden I’m feeling like I need to mosey down to my local mall and peruse JC Penney for all that JC Penney offers — and you can thank their latest Father’s Day campaign for that.

It took me 18 months to fall in love with my daughter

It took me one and a half years to fall in love with my daughter. There’s no deadline, I know, but I thought I would fall in love with her right away. It was like that for my partner — she fell in love at first sight.

What should I get my tomboy mom for Mother’s Day?

With Mother’s Day around the corner I find myself in the same predicament as I always do this time of year — trying to figure out what to get my Mom. My mom is a lesbian, has been out of the closet since I was four. Over the years she has become more and more butch which means all the frilly pink and purple cards and gifts just don’t work.