Category Archive

hospital birth

Surrender to what? My three week wait to birth my son

About a week before my due date, I was in the change room at the local pool, and a woman in her sixties told me that each of her three babies were three weeks late. I was mildly appalled and silently certain that she must have had her dates wrong or some deep-seated psychological issues about being a mother. Being the nerd that I am, I had four years of data on my ovulation cycle. I was pretty confident about the dates.

Pushba had her baby!

Because how could I not report the birth of my favorite Russian mama’s second child?! From what I can tell from Google Translator, Pushba gave birth last week to a health boy named Elisey via emergency c-section.

Was it Moctezuma’s revenge? Nope: I was just in labor.

Molly recently published a post on Offbeat Mama about ditching the U.S. health care system in favor of Mexico’s to have her second child — here’s how it went!

Debunking the myth of a “natural birth”

Does it take a vaginal delivery or medication-free labor to have a “natural” birth? We don’t think so.

Walking through the Land of Birth: how our daughter came into the world

Throughout the preceding ten hours of labour, I had not moved, not spoken, not even opened my eyes or mouth to speak. I was meditating. I was CalmBirthing. I was the Birthing Buddha.

A midwife’s totally fabulous high-tech birth

Can a midwife who have a REALLY AWESOME hospital birth? You betcha!

Stop “trying to be good” in your birth choices

“The more I talked with my doula, the more I realized that not scheduling an induction, not having an epidural, etc. was me trying to be good. Trying to do it right…”

Lessons from a home birth turned hospital birth

My experience at the hospital changed me. I was so judgmental of that way of birthing beforehand, so sure that my way was better. But my hospital birth has made me less judgmental. Not just about birth, but about everything.