Category Archive


Aging beers in casks and imagining pet bats — reader photos

Start your day with our collection of interesting articles on the web and photos from our readers. In these Clicky Links you’ll find lots of sites to waste a little time on — and you’ll find a host of uses for missile silos.

Click through, too, to find our links on submitting YOUR stuff to Offbeat Home!

Sugar skulls of Toluca: sparkling up in your face

I’m loving this time of year. Here I was, thinking the city went crazy for El Dieciséis, but Day of the Dead is so much more colorful, and soulful. Brightly colored sheets of papel picado hang in store windows. Velvety, crimson terciopelo flowers sit in vases at restaurants. Orange marigolds, the traditional Day of the Dead flower (called cempasúchil in Spanish) have suddenly bloomed in the street medians.

Recycle your halloween pumpkin as yummy refrigerator soup

Buying a huge vegetable, setting it outside for a few days, then throwing it away bothers me. Inspiration hit when a friend explained “refrigerator soup,” made from whatever veg was a little past its prime. If this soup works for slightly saggy veg, couldn’t it work for my old pumpkins too?

Halloween Montage: Skulls, pumpkins, spider webs & Vincent Price is in your shower

Happy Halloween, Homies! Let’s get the Home Halloween week going with a look at the creepiest photos from the Offbeat Home Flickr pool and things we’ve pinned via the Offbeat Home Pinterest account.

Throw a last-minute Halloween scavenger hunt party

Desperately wanting to celebrate Halloween, but found yourself without the time to plan anything? Take on Natalie’s no-thought Halloween party with her scavenger hunt cards. There are three! This is just one!

What pretty candies can I give out for Halloween?

Gorgeous food is great porn: fun to look at, SO fun to imagine eating. I’ve been thinking about these glossy candied apples our copyeditor Caroline sent me for a WEEK. I would love to give out a pretty candy of my own this weekend, but A: no time and B: would kids even eat it? Aren’t parents training them to reject all things not packaged?

What’s a good, pretty, yummy, fun candy I can give out that won’t offend guardians and — even better — will be suitable for kids with nut allergies or gluten intolerances?

I want to get more trick-or-treaters but I live in a zero-fun neighborhood

Last year, my house had only one trick-or-treater. Our lights were on and we were ready, but most of our nearest neighbors don’t do anything for Halloween. There are plenty of families in the neighborhood — what can we do to make sure they come to our house?

Five silly-easy Halloween crafts that I’mma do this weekend

I haven’t decorated for Halloween at ALL — but I totally plan to. It’s on the list for this weekend — and these ideas are the bullet points on that list.