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Use plates for nerdy party decor

Never mind that this is decor for a child’s Mario-themed birthday party. How cool do those hanging yellow plates look?

Make dog biscuits for your direwolf

The kitchen can be torture for a pet with a culinary-inclined owner. I know my own direwolf sits proper for the entire time I’m cooking, in hopes of receiving scraps. So here’s my grain-free, no-filler recipe that my direwolves snap up.

8 ways to express dinosaur appreciation in your home

I’m sure I’m not the only one here who had a thing for dinosaurs as a kid. My favorites were the plesiosaur and the duckbill. So I put together a craft round up of dino love — wait until you see the brachiosaurus’ new job.

A fully-pimped Star Wars room in a penthouse

Curbed ran a little highlight of an almost-$6-million-dollar apartment in Manhattan with three bedrooms — one of which is a fully pimped ode to Star Wars. This thing comes complete with full wall-and-ceiling starscapes, a large model of the Millenium Falcon, and shockingly-cute accessories that make the whole place look chic, not at all weird.

A Mystery Science Theater 3000 birthday party

I LOVE BIRTHDAYS. They make me very excited. Happily, I have a husband who, while less excitable, loves me for my super-planning tendencies. This is the birthday party I threw him this year.

How to buy a car using data: Part II — the final decision and epilogue of our adventure

In our previous blog post we identified 27 cars based on a list of features, and then narrowed our list down to 3 based on Internet data and test drives. Now, it is time for more data!


With a list of cars this small, we can do more in-depth research. We found out the cost of car insurance, average maintenance costs, vehicle crash ratings, accident data, and insurance data. We also tried to estimate how much each model would cost to own over 5 and 10 years.

However, the most interesting data was about crash test ratings and accident statistics. Vehicle crash-test ratings are designed to be predictive, which means they try to imitate real-world conditions. Accident data is far more interesting, because it shows what actually happened.

How to buy a car using data

My wife, Kate, and I were perfectly content to drive her car, a 1995 Honda Civic. It never gave us trouble…until it died last December. Then we needed a replacement.

After mourning the passing of our reliable steed, we decided we did not care about specific car brands or models. We cared about features. Our goal was to buy a car with features we care about, for the best price. Our first step: decide what functionality we wanted most.

In this set of blog posts, I will cover my experience in buying a car using data. I’ll go over some of the advantages, like ignoring all of the lies marketing.

Home palettes based on nerdy fandoms: Would you choose carpet that matches Worf’s hair?

I do love Adventure Time, Cartoon Network’s bizarro young adult show about a boy adventurer in the Land of Ooo. When I found Dan Toth’s episodic color palettes, I was inspired! Taking colors from TV shows to apply to — what, rooms? Spray paint craft projects? Reupholstery? GENIUS! I used Colour Lovers to do the same with a few other nerdy loves: Star Trek, Harry Potter, and Doctor Who.