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What does an offbeat memorial service look like?

Recently my hubz had a very dear friend pass away after a long battle with ALS. While I don’t personally feel like I need services to grieve, my husband with his deep southern roots and traditions would like to honor his friend. We are financially unable to pay for traditional services, but are willing to host a memorial service. Has anyone planned what will boil down to an offbeat memorial service? Ideas are appreciated.

How can I make a hospital room feel less like, well, a hospital room?

My mother passed away last month pretty suddenly due to complications of Lupus. I did not realize how much of a difficulty just being in a hospital room would be. As much as I would love to have a home birth, at this point I would say it is just not possible, so I need to make this room seem as “homey” as possible.

What do I do with all the stuff my mother left behind?

Four years ago my mother passed away leaving me with four storage units, three cats, and an additional household of items. Does anyone have any strategies for choosing what to keep and what to toss, and more importantly how do I store all of the items that I do keep?

My wife experienced the death of a student as only a teacher can

My wife is an early childhood and special educator. She works with young students, most of whom are the same age or younger than our youngest daughter. One of those students, one whom she’s championed, advocated for, and supported for almost two years, passed away. The news, and the resulting heartache, are things she never could have prepared for, steeled herself to. The loss of this student has hit her profoundly.

Dealing with death: how I told my daughter her grandfather had passed away

Almost a year ago now, my father passed away. I received the news in slow motion; anyone who has heard this kind of news knows exactly what I mean by that. Of course I felt the initial pain of my own loss, but my attention immediately turned to my daughter. How was I going to tell my little girl, who at that time was two months shy of turning three and so in love with her “Umpaw,” that she would never see him again?

Wills and Trusts: What are your plans?

Call me morbid, but since age six, I’ve had a living will or last will and testament of sorts. I’ve changed it over the years (pretty sure Husband wouldn’t want my Moondancer My Little Pony and would instead want to know what to do with my 401k), and now know to make it a legally binding document. I am by no means a legal expert, but here are points I’ve deemed as important to include in my will…

Is our second child still a “little sister” if our first child passed away?

I am about to have my second daughter. Most people will look at my daughter and see her as an only child, but I cannot help but think of her as a little sister. Her big sister passed away almost a year ago. Because most people won’t know the story of how our eldest child passed away, is it wrong to present my second daughter to the world as a “little sister?”

How do you celebrate the life of a departed loved one?

The Offbeat Empire has been there for many of my life stages, I hope the community can be here for me now as well. I’d love any advice and guidance from those who have lost a loved one and have chosen to do an event to celebrate their life.