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Workplace bullying: It happens, it sucks, and here’s what you can do

According to the Workplace Bullying Institute, targets are usually independent, ethical, nurturing, “‘go-to’ veteran workers to whom new employees turn for guidance.” That was me in a nutshell. In 2003, Pamela Lutgen-Sandvik defined a cycle of Employee Emotional Abuse (aka bullying), here’s how that exact cycle played out in real life…

Nested cards: Extreme(ly organized) letter writing for your loved ones

The first year that each of my sisters were at university, I sent them a letter every single week, without using the post office. I got the idea from my mother. When I was small she didn’t go away often, but when she did she would leave a trail of notes that Dad would help us follow every day. As my sister started preparing for university I started wondering how this idea could translate to someone who was themselves going away. I finally hit on the idea of nested envelopes.

Dealing with difficult in-laws the grown-up way

What are you supposed to do when you can’t stand your in-laws? I needed to learn techniques to help me deal with mine in a kind and considerate manner, without exploding with internalized stress. For me, the following things have helped…

Growing up and letting go of obsolete relationship dynamics

My sister is amazing with people, confident and outgoing and extraordinarily empathetic. And me? Well, I was the best at logistics. I always had two sets of lunch money in case my sister forgot hers (which was often useful), and contingency plans for every situation. As we grew up and left home the relationship dynamic stayed the same. Then, last year, we had a family crisis, and I realized that the dynamic had shifted, and I needed to shift as well.

Family member in the middle: Being stuck between two family members who aren’t talking to each other

Every adult family relationship dynamic is different. For me, our difficulty is that my older brother, who I am very close to, will not talk to our dad. My brother knows I will not cut contact with our dad, even though he feels I should. He has respect for my desire for a relationship with my dad. Still, being trapped in the middle is difficult. Here’s how navigate this tricky “family member in the middle” situation…

Not having enough sex? Here’s how to have the sex talk you’ve been dreading with your partner

My husband and I have been married for two years now and with him being active duty, he is gone for months at a time and in a demanding and high-stress work environment. Naturally, as you might expect, the fullness of our sex life dissipated. I was feeling neglected and dissatisfied with the few times we did have sex, and never seemed to have a constructive conversation about sex, until now…

How to have a healthy relationship when one partner is unemployed

My name is Sullie, and my partner and I live below the poverty line. What’s more, my partner is unemployed and will likely remain that way for the rest of our lives together. So why am I okay with this? Because my partner’s health issues are chronic and difficult to manage. Here are our steps to living below the poverty line on a single income…

On finding accessible, de-codified, LGBT language

Offbeat Bride featured an article about power, privilege, gender, and oppression when it comes to weddings which I totally love! But there is a lot of language in it that many would not understand. Does anyone have any advice or ideas on how to discuss these complex issues using simpler language?