Category Archive

before and after

Colors and patterns like WHOA on this DIYed, Bohemian-style dresser

Check out this fucking brilliant before and after highboy dresser action from mollykb. Quite the dramatic change, no? This makeover says I’ll see your “fresh paint” upgrade and double down on some patterns and funky knobs. Thankfully she explained how she accomplished this Bohemian dresser look.

From EW to OOH LA LA!: Bishop’s chair makeover

Another week, another amazing chair makeover. What is with you talented guys!? Though, I will say that I think this chair makeover wins the Offbeat Home “zombie award” for bringing such an old, broken, ugly chair back from the dead with SUCH amazing style!

How to make a large L-shaped couch take up less space in a room

My cousins recently moved from California to Texas. They say “everything’s bigger in Texas” but that wasn’t true for their living room. The large L-shaped sofa that fit perfectly in their last living room was taking up the ENTIRE living space. Luckily for them my interior decorator mother lives near by, and she came over to see what could be done about the situation, without having to buy a new couch.

From wrecked end table to rad planter

Maybe it was the paint fumes, but I had epiphany while turning an old bedside drawer into a plant stand… It’s not supposed to be a plant shelf — it’s a planter! A “tropical blossom” planter.

A retro dining room & kitchen makeover with ’50s style & chalkboard paint

You often see home makeovers going from retro to more traditional upgrades. Which often makes me sad, because I’m BIG into retro kitchens and living rooms. But Jenn Fletcher from BlondeShot Creative took her dining room and kitchen from “perfectly fine” to “perfectly AWESOME” with retro makeovers.

Craigslist chair makeover (kitty-approved!)

Kristen took a $40 pair of Craigslist chairs that had CLEARLY seen better days and gave them a painted, glazed, and upholstered makeover that is so chic I couldn’t believe it. Even MORE unbelievable — this was her first attempt at DIY re-upholstery! It’s Home AND kitty approved for sure.

$7 chair makeover: from meh to OMEHGAWD!

When most people would have walked right past this dull brown $5 chair, Tatum scooped it up and made a huge change for a total of $7! Learn the trick to most budget-friendly furniture makeovers.

I kicked my closet-kitchen up a notch with a black wall

I painted my kitchen nook the other day! My mini-kitchen-in-a-nook started out looking…a little dull.

So to brighten up my kitchen and make it pop as its on space in my apartment, I painted it black. Black: new hot color for kitchens?