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What NOT to do when your friends have a newborn

In the first couple of weeks after giving birth, I found myself showered with food, presents, and presence. But it was really after the six weeks passed that I found myself quite alone — people weren’t visiting anymore, but it was still hard for me to get out with a newborn. This is the best time to be there for your friend. But here are some of my major don’ts, that you could help manage if you’re there!

Why I’m just not into babies (and I’ve got one!)

I am blessed to have a beautiful, healthy 18 month old daughter whom I love to the ends of the earth, and I show her a lot of love and affection. But I’m just not into being a mum with a baby. Any other parents feel a similarly? I’d love to hear from those who may understand where I’m coming from.

What’s the etiquette on taking a baby to an all ages show?

The types of show I’m used to attending are generally held in much smaller indoor venues, like bars and church basements. So far as the kid is concerned, as long as he’s riding in the baby carrier with ear muffs on, I think he’ll do just fine. I’m more worried that we’d be crossing some social line with the other concert goers…

9 tips for getting pets and babies to live together harmoniously

Six months after adopting Molly-Gator, a new baby herself, we were pregnant and realizing that my refusal to part with my animals was an anomaly among new parents, and relinquishing one’s pets was part and partial to the nesting process. So, if you are a pet owner and expecting a child, fear not! It can work. Don’t let pressures from friends, family, or the man on the street tell you any different. There are just some things you must keep in mind…

Breast pumps & messy rooms: The newborn photos I wish I had taken

When my son was born I was already a photographer. I knew I wanted and needed to capture these first few precious weeks. So, apart from arranging for a photographer to come and take a few, I also prepared all my gear and resolved to practice taking the most perfect newborn pictures.

What I didn’t know then was those “cute-baby-on-a-white-blanket-curled-up-in-a-perfect-pose” pictures would not be the ones I will treasure in five years time.

5 ways parenting is like college, kind of

A couple of weeks ago, a guy kissed me all sloppy with his mouth wide open, tried to take my shirt off, and then barfed into my hand, which I promptly wiped on my jeans. As it turns out, that is not the only way my life as a new parent closely resembles my life as a college student.

Annabelle’s non-pink bird-themed bedroom

When it came to decorating my daughter’s bedroom, I knew pink and purple were definitely out! Instead, I opted for “grown-up” prints in fun colors, and there is a bit of a bird motif throughout. My ultra handy husband did all the trim work himself!

8 ways to help you deal when the time isn’t right to have a baby

It was never going to happen to me like it did with those parents who hit the one-year mark, watch their little baby toddle around and say, “Oh… I want another one!” After a terrible pregnancy that ended in an emergency C-section, I decided I was done for good. Or at the very least a good looooong time. I wrote myself letters throughout the pregnancy to remind myself that YES it was that bad, the same way I kept track of the (still ongoing) night wakings, issues with breastfeeding. Finances have been kept under strict supervision, and baby expenditures can be easily totalled.