We are in the middle of making our living room awesome, and we need curtains.All the curtains I can find are way boring. Where do you guys go for curtains?
I’ve thought about buying fabric and making my own, but I’d prefer not to. Also, when I say redo, I mean going from a “Hey, this is cheap and we can use it” to a “Hey, this is thoughtfully put together and really shows off the occupants’ personalities.” Which in this case is retro ’60s (him) and anything glittery (me).
So if anybody has any ideas or links to cool curtains, I would love you forever. But since this is the internet I think forever means like a nanosecond…whatever, I would be really grateful. -Christine
Homies, cough up your ideas!
I loved the look of a sheer curtain over top of a sequined curtain in a friends house, very understated shiny 🙂 and this is totally a bath curtain, but I cut a bath curtain in half and used it my living room once…
oooohhh this has been my problem for a long time, looking forward to the comments!
I don’t think any of the curtains in my house are really curtains.
Saris and sarongs make great drappy curtains. There’s a large Hindu community best me, so I have some great selections in thrift stores. On pinterest I’m sure there are guides on how to wrap fabric cool around a curtain rod.
Woven placemats that are like What u roll sushi with, staple 6 together and u have a really cool and cheap window overhang. This is in my bathroom.
If u want something real sparkly there is fabric adhesive spray glitter at many craft stores. 🙂
Happy drapping
I definitely have my bedroom window covered with a sari.
To satifsy the need for sparkly, it’s actually got gold thread woven in. I covered the window flat with the sari, then gathered the rest of the fabric up to make a side “curtain”, much like a sari might be gathered (it’s actually 9 feet long on a 5 foot wide window.)
To make this more useful as a curtain, I’ve got two strings hanging behind the fabric that can allow it to be tied up like that 50’s drop curtain.
Cost Plus World Market has some nice curtains, but even better is their selection of cloth shower curtains: http://www.worldmarket.com/search/index.jsp?kwCatId=&kw=shower%20curtains&origkw=shower+curtains&sr=1
Don’t worry about having to sew. Most places have “clip-on” curtain hangers, so with just an iron or some patiently applied glue, you can have designer look curtains without whatever you anticipate would go into making your own. I also love getting shower curtains and using them as curtains, or vice versa.
Aww… Such great window treatment ideas!!! I wish I could have curtains, but judging by the speed at which the kittehs destroy the plastic blinds in our rental, I don’t think curtains would last. 🙁
You could experiment with some cheap fabric hanging from a window to see if they would even care about the curtains. Our cats tore up the plastic(metal?) venetian blinds in one apartment, but now we have wood ones they just bat at them to get them out of the way to sit on the window sill. They don’t claw at the curtains at all, which surprised me, until I realized they like having something to hide behind when I catch one of them being bad and they need a quick escape. Also, the curtains serve to hold in the heat of the sunshine so they have a nice dry sauna that they can sleep in for hours, or at least until the sun sets.
I too wanted something more fun for a room in our home. I found these, for our dining room, @ Target.com & they’re awesome! Good luck!
Look at inexpensive sheets! Ironically, the cheaper polyester ones make the best curtains – natural fibres will sun bleach. Turn over so that the finished top is the bottom, and use a stitch ripper to open the sides of the bottom seam to slide in your curtain rod. I used a pair of twin flat sheets on one window and it turned out great!