What are your favorite water-saving tips and tricks?

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My electric kettle and water bottle have a symbiotic water-saving relationship.
My electric kettle and water bottle have a symbiotic water-saving relationship.

There’s a severe drought in my home state of California (again). This concerns me. So I’m doing what I can to conserve water.

Here are my top water-saving methods:

I’m sure there’s more I could be doing that I just haven’t thought of yet. Seriously, that electric kettle to get hot water thing… JUST realized that I could be doing that so recently that it’s embarrassing.

So I ask you, Homies: What are your favorite water-saving tips and tricks?

Comments on What are your favorite water-saving tips and tricks?

  1. One other person mentioned this in the comments, but I think it’s a good tip, so I’m going to repeat it:

    – Use a [small] shaving bucket. Fill the bucket with a little water for rinsing your razor, then refill and use fresh water to rinse your legs when you’re finished. I do live in an area with cold winters, so from November-April, I find that the bucket method really only works after a shower when the bathroom is nice and steamy and warm. Otherwise, my legs go all goose-fleshy and shaving is deeply unpleasant.

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