What maternity pillow works best for a small bed?

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Photo by gruntzooki, used under Creative Commons license.
I’m currently 16 weeks pregnant with my first child. I keep seeing ads and suggestions that I should get a maternity pillow — and I totally get why! Increasing heartburn, belly size, and desire to sleep with my thighs a little farther apart than gravity would want them to, mostly.

But have you SEEN these things? Most of them look huge! My husband is 6’5″ and we’re already sharing a fairly small bed.

Does anyone have a suggestion for a smaller but still useful maternity pillow or a way to use the pillows we already have? — Amasea

We know you can make regular pillows work, but did you use a pillow specifically designed for pregnancy? Did you love it? TELL US ALL ABOUT IT!

Comments on What maternity pillow works best for a small bed?

  1. There are a variety of good maternity pillows. The top maternity pillows are Boppy, Leachco pillows, Snoozer, and Comfort U. It all depends on what your body needs. Keep in mind that you want support for your knees,hips,lower back and of course your belly.

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