I love the Avengers. I love Batman. I’d say at this point in time my tastes run about 52% Marvel, 42% DC with the remainder going to independent publishers like SLG.
What I don’t currently have is a lot of swag to back that up.
I’m repping the good Doctor and my Hufflepuff pride (Huzzah!) plenty in my home. But what, oh great internet, can I (and you!) buy for my house that is DC or Marvel-related?
Boy, my wallet (and possibly my marriage, because I’m pretty sure I’m leaving my husband for this Batman cookie jar) was NOT ready for the answer to this question…

Okay, so there is a lot of kitchen stuff out there. I haven’t even touched the “mugs and glassware” section because that is huge enough to be its own post. But what if you don’t want your comic nerdery simply confined to the kitchen?

So how do you represent your comic book love at home? Posters? Lego displays? Cuddly Hulk toys? I wanna know!
I was going to request a Batman Swag post! So excited to see what else gets posted!
My husband and I are lovers of comic art and long time comic book collectors. We proudly display Original comic book art that we buy from comic artists at comic conventions, as well as limited edition prints. For us this is fun because it makes our home feel like a sequential art gallery. We also have a whole room in our house dubbed “the comic book room” because it’s full of our extremely large comic book collection. We also display our statues and action figures in this room as well as in our china hutch, which has no china in it at all. 🙂
Us too! I haven’t updated my apartment photos in awhile, but we have a ton of original art (as well as a bunch of framed prints). I love showing the photos of the commissions framed on our walls to the artists next time we see them, they love that it gets displayed!
The few I do have photos of:
– Commissions by David Mack in our bedroom entryway: http://flic.kr/p/9qd8rS
– Josh Howard in our front entryway: http://flic.kr/p/9q9RTg
– Amanda Connor prints in our livingroom: http://flic.kr/p/9qdgwE
David Mack commissions! I am jealous.
yay it’s up!!!
sorry to whoever got the job of googling Homestuck. heh.
BWAHAHA! Oh that was me, and that was an awesome surprise. 😉
I actually need a “what do I do with a really cool comic book collection that just sit on a shelf getting dusty and lame?” post. Maybe it has been done before, I’ll have to go search the archives.
These are great though! I do love that Iron Man light 😀
Indeed there have been:
Ahh! Thanks for doing the legwork for my lazy ass. Haha you rock Anie!
Hehe, I think it is funny that my comment is awaiting moderation because it has links even though BOTH links are to *this* blog 😛
Just to keep this post on topic, Batman lamp (terrible picture, cool looking product):
End Table: http://www.etsy.com/listing/105985256/revintaged-comic-book-side-table?ref=sr_gallery_15&ga_search_query=batman&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_ship_to=US&ga_min=0&ga_max=0&ga_page=5&ga_search_type=all
Yeah, Akismet (our anti-spam plugin) isn’t quite smart enough to know if the links are internal or external… if there are more than two, you get moderated until we can approve. 🙂
Aside from our art all over the walls (comment above) and statues, we also collect glasses from Toon Tumblers at every con: http://flic.kr/p/9qddX1
And then the in-laws found these shot glass gems as a Christmas gift last year: http://flic.kr/p/9qdeN5
I love the designs on the Toon Tumblers, I just wish their logo and url on the reverse wasn’t so frikkin’ huge.