Hey Homies! After 10 years of being a vegetarian, I have a good collection of veggie cookbooks. Three years after moving in with my very-soon-to-be-husband, I have also added “I Know How to Cook” to my library.
While it is totally awesome, and the dude loves how a lot of the recipes call for bacon and/or butter, I would like to get a couple more meat-containing cookbooks that are full of tasty recipes, with a bit more emphasis on healthy.
Thanks for your recommendations in advance! -Sarah
We’ve talked about offbeat cookbooks, but about healthy meat cookbooks? Anyone have favorite cook books for omnivorous recipes?
LIBRARY BOOKS! Though I’ll admit to buying lots of clearance shelf cookbooks. If I don’t have at least 5 recipes in each one that I add to personal repertoire, I donate them to the next book sale.
In addition to Bittman’s books (already mentioned, numerous times), my personal omnivore favorites are Almost Vegetarian: A Primer for Cooks Who Are Eating Vegetarian Most of the Time, Chicken & Fish Some of the Time, & Altogether Well All of the Time and At Home with Madhur Jaffrey: Simple, Delectable Dishes from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, and At Home with Madhur Jaffrey: Simple, Delectable Dishes from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.
Being a former vegetarian myself, I think I’ve adapted well to keeping kosher. Now we have vegetarian dishes (dairy-ish) and meat kosher dishes, cookware, flatware, etc. It often feels quite wasteful to me, having doubles of so much kitchen stuff, but shalom bayit, peace in the home, is sometimes worth being wasteful for.
I love love love Company’s Coming cook books by Jean Pare, each book has a different theme and there are ones that are for healthy meals. I use the healthy slow cooker one heaps! The recipes are easy to follow, the ingredients easy to find and all turn out well. (60 out of my 80 cookbooks are company’s coming, yes I’m slightly addicted to cookbooks)
I really like her recipes and except for the meat dishes, she usually suggests veggie friendly alternatives.