Little teapot playhouses and tiki lounge chairs: Disney comes to yards
Aw man, I’m back to admiring something from HGTV again. Not that there’s something wrong with HGTV… it’s just not a typically offbeat organization! Anyway, enjoy the peek at Disneyfied yards.
Reader Photos! You will like this zebra-striped house and a link featuring DINOSAUR LUNCHES
PLUS: two ducks and a cat, make a cartoon version of your cat, Empire Records foreva, and cats cats cats cats cats why NEW and UNIQUE money tips are dumb.
Victoria’s English garden summer studio/occasional shop
Victoria started posting her sweet little backyard studio shed in the Offbeat Home Flickr pool. And with each photo, I fell a little bit more in love with her space. Come along on a tour!
A playful full-wall underseascape mural — seals, dolphins, and some anthropomorphic fish
Straight from the Offbeat Home Flickr group comes Katie’s epically-big undersea mural. That little seal can do no wrong.
Brilliant idea for a wall: LEGO IT
HGTV made itself useful by posting a roundup of ten ideas for kids’ rooms — but this idea in particular is a bully idea for nerdy grown-ups everywere: Buy a ton of LEGO plates, affix to wall, enhance your awesomeness.
Reader photos: Godzilla handkerchiefs and wrangling Icelandic birds
Come inside! See fairy tale houses, read about interesting interviews in the Clicky Links, and just be a cooler human being for it.
Shower with C3PO, R2, and Chewie
Yeah, it’s a Star Wars shower tile mosaic — now you know what you to do with your next bathroom overhaul.
Squee amongst yourselves.
A DIY retro space-themed nursery for a GIRL
I chose “Spaceships and Robots” as the theme for my daughter’s nursery because I wanted to create a special environment that would inspire her to reach for the stars and “boldly go where no man has gone before,” so to speak. Oh yeah, and because I’m a giant NERD!