Category Archive

Decor & Decorating

Sometimes we need inspiration — or just escapism. Whatever you need these images are drool-worthy and these decorating tips are just what you need. Dive in!

A friendly hedge and a nod to Trogdor — in this week’s reader photos

Start your day with our collection of interesting articles web and photos from our readers. In these Clicky Links you’ll find lots of sites to waste a little time on — and an idea for recycling a milk jug into a lunch box.

Click through, too, to find our links on submitting YOUR stuff to Offbeat Home!

The home that produces almost zero trash and looks like a catalogue photo set

When I think of the type of home that might be a “zero waste” home — where occupants strive to eliminate the everyday disposables that seem sometimes to be inseparable from living — I guess I think of a home far from civilization. Maybe something handbuilt. The zero waste home in my imagination looks a lot like the permaculture-loving straw bale home we featured in April 2011. It’s woodsy, it’s cozy, it’s clearly inhabited by hippies.

Well, finding The Zero Waste Home blog goes to show me that assuming and stereotyping are no good.

Rainbow house ideas: inspirations for adding color like WHOA

How many ways can we find to put a rainbow on it (and by “it” I mean “your home”) in two minutes?



Photos and links about grape squooshing, apple bacon cheddar pie, Star Wars pancakes, and a berry-colored entryway

Start your day with our collection of interesting articles web and photos from our readers. In these Clicky Links you’ll find loads of offbeat travel ideas and a hot tip on an artist who makes personalized silhouettes.

Click through, too, to find our links on submitting YOUR stuff to Offbeat Home!

Someday you’ll find it, a rainbow collection

This collection proves you can make nerdy work, even in the dining room. So if you’ve got a burgeoning vinyl toy collection, get in here and see how it’s done.

Wait until you see what’s inside this missile silo. Hint: they have drum circle.

Ed and Diana Peden bought their very own missile silo outside Topeka, Kansas in the 1980s. At the time it was twenty years decommissioned and filled with water and sludge, but the couple couldn’t pass up the 18,000 square feet spread out on 13 floors underground.

A candy-coated Willy Wonka house in New Jersey — with a bonus wedding thrown in free

Today Offbeat Bride featured a wedding that y’all will love — Peter and Stephanie’s wedding at a house fit for Willy Wonka. I pulled a number of photos — eat it up, Homies.

Ultra-natural, high-design treehouses from around the world

We haven’t taken a day to hang out in the forest for a while, and since it’s just good medicine, let’s do that. I’d like to introduce you to Romero Studios, a treehouse-building husband and wife team which has traveled around the world, spreading treehouses, gardens, and sculptures using 98% reclaimed materials.