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Homes & Tours

Take a close-up look at real Offbeat Homes of all shapes, sizes and flavors.

Offbeat Home Hunters: The “Yukon, ho!” edition

We are a single-income family of two (plus our pet rats), and while I’m the only breadwinner, I am fortunate to make a comfortable salary. We’re pretty handy and not afraid to tackle home projects (as evidenced by the sort of places we were looking at in Ottawa). We’re environmentally-conscious city-center dwellers and wouldn’t be comfortable in the suburbs. We didn’t have much time to house hunt, so we decided to see every place that met our requirements, which was a total of 9 houses. Two were about to fall down on top of us, and four were almost an hour walk from my office, which left three potential homes…

I want to have an affair with these Mad Men-style time capsule homes

Homie and guest-poster Julie F sent me an email that just said “OH MY GODZZZZZ” with a link to these Mad Men-style time capsule homes. I thought I’d ignore everyone who said they hate real estate posts, and cater to my fellow real estate boner-having Homies.

A 100-year-old house in the middle of a West Virginia college town

We live in the middle of a college campus: it surrounds our neighborhood on three sides. We’re part of the few owner-occupied hold outs, trying to keep a nice home, surrounded by college rentals. While our neighborhood poses unique challenges — such as random frat boys passed out on our porch, and beer cans in our yard every weekend — it has amazing perks.

Offbeat House Hunters: Our experience home shopping on a budget

Who here loves HGTV’s “House Hunters”? Let’s play the Offbeat Canadian Home version with three houses for $150,000 or under.” Which one will they choose!?

Renovating our colourful, lived-in, never-finished, Arts and Crafts bungalow

This home was the fresh start I was dreaming of. When I left my husband, I never thought in a little more than a year I would buy my own (little) home. I could paint whatever colours I wanted, decorate how I wanted and keep the house in whatever (child-safe) state I wanted. I purchased this home as a single-mom with a toddler — then at the housewarming party three months later, I married my boyfriend in the archway between the living and dining rooms.

Tiny, gothic-meets-nerdy-meets-bohemian apartment in the middle of Amish country

We live in a medium-sized town, that is situated in the middle of Amish country in Pennsylvannia. Our home is unique due to the fact that is a two bedroom with five people. My husband, myself, and our three children. Our two son’s (ages 11 and 4) share the big bedroom, while our daughter has the smaller bedroom. My husband and I sleep on a king sized mattress on the floor that doubles as a very large couch during the day.

What’s it like living in a geodesic dome?

My husband and I are looking to move out of our apartment and purchase this 1977 Geodesic Dome. Are there any Dome Dwellers among the Homies that can offer us the possible pros and cons of moving into a geodesic dome?

Kurt Cobain’s childhood home is for sale — anyone in Aberdeen need a roomie?

The childhood of Kurt Cobain is totally for sale — if you have $500,000 to spare. Considering the average home price in Aberdeen, Washington is around $80,000, you’ll definitely be paying that extra zillion dollars for the memories. BUT OH WHAT MEMORIES THEY ARE — who WOULDN’T want to live in the room that has a wall that Kurt punched a hole through? I’m serious, Homies. Let’s take a gander…