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Homes & Tours

Take a close-up look at real Offbeat Homes of all shapes, sizes and flavors.

Inviting, eclectic, colorful, comfortable, and ever-evolving: our home in Jakarta, Indonesia

You heard about how Samantha and Ryan made their brave move to Jakarta. Then you (okay, WE) demanded a home tour. Wish granted! It’s colorful, art-filled, and full of GREAT tips if you too are thinking of making the move to Indonesia.

This 1955 “boathouse” has me delighted and confused

As you have probably noticed by now, I have a raging vintage home boner that keeps me searching the internet for “homes with original details” porn. I got excited when I first glimpsed this spectacular boathouse built by renowned architect Harry Gesner in 1955. >But then, upon further investigation, I see that it’s actually super tricked out with modern accents, in, um… interesting ways.

Want to spice up your retro 1960s house? Put a bowling alley in the basement and fun will come to you

You know how you make a mostly boring house TOTALLY FASCINATING? Put a bowling alley in downstairs. That’s right: there’s a fucking bowling alley in the basement. Who’s moving in?

Robert Redford’s rustic cabin dream house is for sale and OMG YOU GUYS I LOVE HIM

My infatuation with Robert Redford goes back about a decade to when I saw Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid for the first time and promptly watched all of his movies in the span of one summer. But in all the time I’ve loved him it’s never occurred to me to Google where he lives. Does that sound creepy? Because I don’t mean for it to.

But I don’t cook meth: overcoming my own “trailer trash” misconceptions

We were scrambling to get out of the nest, but didn’t know where to start. So we developed three requirements for our future home, and somehow a trailer fit them all. Now I just needed to get over my “trailer trash” stigma to be able to enjoy my new home.

Vintage 1955 cottage in the Hollywood Hills

I recently went to the open house for this adorable Robert Byrd-style cottage built in 1955 and kept in incredible original condition tucked away in the Hollywood Hills. There are wonderful little vintage surprises all over this amazing home. Hidden lazy Susans in an unexpected location, beyond unusual doorframes, and the coolest/most dangerous bathtub I’ve ever seen.

Jasna’s apartment in Cologne, Germany, filled with femininity, soft colours, and crafts

Just because you live in a small apartment in Cologne, Germany, doesn’t mean it has to feel cramped. Jasna’s apartment is all about crafts, colors, feminine decor, and a spotted fridge. And somehow, it doesn’t seem cramped at all! Oh, and wait until you see how she uses clothing as decor.

Yurt + Dome = My life in a yome

My 16-month-old daughter and I live on an herb farm (no, not that kind of herb farm, though we are in Northern California). I am a farm hand here, and in exchange for a certain amount of hours a week working the land, we get to live here and breathe the fresh air, learn about herbs, and watch everything bloom.

We live in a yome here. Yep, a yome — it’s a cross between a yurt and a geodesic dome. And wait until you see the triangular windows…