Category Archive


Turn to our shopping category when you need offbeat decor — whether its from a link we’ve posted or one of our awesome sponsors.

I’m a grown woman and I love playing with dolls

I originally discovered Blythe dolls somewhere on the internet many years ago and lusted after them. I just LOVED everything about them: their big oversized heads, colour changing eyes, endless combinations of hair colours and styles, the amazing outfits people dress them in — and the best thing is the photography!

The ergonomic dream chair for your home office that looks like an impractical future machine

I found an incredible chair at the library — and now I’ve got my eyes peeled for one I can put in my home office! Get in here and see what I’m flipping out about.

Girls shoes for the little ladies who don’t like pink

My toddler boy shoe post was such a hit a few weeks ago, and there were tons of comments from y’all who have girls who were like YES NON-PINK SHOES! It made me decide that I wanted to take a look at some brightly colored, non-frilly girl shoes.

Beep Boop Beep: these robot coasters love you

These adorable letterpressed robot coasters from Eugene, Oregon’s Twin Ravens Press just melted my icy heart. So simple, so robotic, so adorbz. Awesome gift? Sweet splurge? You decide.

When those laughable kitchen tools have a purpose

The other half and I have long made a game of ridiculing silly kitchen tools we see at the shopping mall. My favorite is the thing you use to cut avocados — you still have to cut the avocado in half with a knife to use it.

So what am I supposed to do when she tells me she wants a mandoline?! I thought I knew you.

Cute ways to keep up with your family tree

I’ve been going through a bit of an embroidery kick lately, and started Googling different types of potential patterns. Since I’ve only been doing this for a few weeks I know next to nothing about embroidery, but I do know enough to recognize that this custom family tree embroidery pattern from the Etsy shop cozyblue is nothing less than cute, cute, OMG, SO CUTE.

Wallpaper innovation: paint under it, tear it off, make it your own

Design firm ZNAK made me think about wallpaper in a whole new way. Never thought I’d say that; it kind of seems like wallpaper has gone through all possible iterations. At least until, you know, it starts changing in response to our moods or the weather or the size of our bank accounts or something.

So what’d they do?

Recommendations for your kid’s first camera

When thinking about purchasing a camera for a child, there’s a few options to first consider — including budget. I’m going to break down a few different affordable (all under $100) and kid-friendly camera options for all budgets and design tastes.