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We know that sometimes a home just isn’t a home without a pet, and oftentimes pets have their own sets of needs, perks and home-enhancing features. These posts cover our furry, scaley, winged, offbeat friends.

How do I shoo this cranky neighborhood cat away from our house?

My cat Nacho is the queen of her domain, but there’s a neighbour cat who wants to fight. It riles her up something fierce. What can we do?

Dogs in gardens, dogs in lakes, dogs lounging around, and a new unicorn artwork

WOW. We put out a call for dog photos last week and you guys answered! Wait till you see where one dog ended up.

My dog may be huge, but he’s terrified of chihuahuas (and more surprising facts about Giant Breed dogs)

Ever wanted a dog who can pull a cart or carry a pack? Giant Breeds are huge, lovable, and have a whole slew of special quirks.

Tips from your neighborhood cat lady: the six deadliest plants for your pets

Whether you’re trying to keep your cat from killing a houseplant or you’re deerproofing your garden, most people think of plants as delicate beings in need of defense. But some plants — even common, unsuspicious looking plants — are trying to kill your pet, even if your pet doesn’t munch them.

Build a planty, sunlit vivarium for reptiles and photosynthesis

Make a slick and sexy vivarium for reptiles — or even just to admire plants. It’s just 31 simple steps!

Seven reasons to love cold-blooded pets, too

When I started dating my partner, I was elated to learn he had six — six!!!! — snakes, and I earned awesome points for wanting to hold them. We’ve since downsized to three snakes and added three bearded dragons. We are, officially, a reptile family. And it’s rad.

What you need to know about raising backyard chickens

You have now decided that you want chickens — but you don’t know where to start. Before you make the leap into raising backyard poultry there are some things you need to consider.

Competitive rabbit hopping: Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down!

I have very little commentary to add to this video, other than to say that 10-year-old rabbit 4-Her that still lives inside me is VERY excited.