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“Homeowner”, “renter” or “squatter” – whatever the label, these occupants take the Offbeat wherever they go.

My pregnancy was unplanned, so why am I so heartbroken over this miscarriage?

For most women week 13 is the time they get to relax as the “danger time” for miscarriage has passed. My week 13 involved getting a bad sign, and the doctor confirming what I already feared was going on: my pregnancy hormone levels had already plummeted, which meant you weren’t alive anymore.

Is feminist motherhood an oxymoron?

I’ve been having a very difficult time trying to marry my feminist ideals with my thoughts on what a mother should do, and I have a lot of hang-ups about whether or not I’m making enough sacrifices for my daughter.

Saying goodbye to the princess phase

When my daughter Violet was a young toddler, she had no use for dresses. She screeched and flailed around if I tried to put her in one. She was extremely physical. She walked early, she climbed anything in sight and she had no fear. And then, her third birthday arrived…

Step dada-ism — Making a blended family work

I always thought “blended family” sounded more like something off the Jamba Juice menu than a term you’d use to categorize relationships between parents and children, but nonetheless I am both the byproduct of a blended family and do a little family blending of my own.

Russian goth mama

Some of you may remember a while back when I featured this Russian goth wedding on Offbeat Bride. Well, Pushba and Grater have gone on to have a child, and Moscow photographer Lesta‘s photos of the two of them with their daughter Lada are simply stunning…For more of Lesta’s amazing photos of this Russian family […]

Beer lovin’ baby

Seriously, if you can’t have fun with your kids then what is the point?! Thanks to kateler for submitting this awesome photo to the Offbeat Mama Flickr pool! If you have photos of you or your kids you’d like to share, please upload them to our Flickr pool. We love looking at ’em!

Daughter of an offbeat mama

The first social reality of which I ever became aware was that my mother was the most embarrassing person on the entire planet. She dressed loudly, spoke louder, and seemed never to have heard of make-up. She was a rebel with many causes and wouldn’t allow my sister or me to escape any of them.

Parental discretion advised

One thing I never gave much thought about was the censorship I would have to do on my music library when choosing the “shuffle” option because the kids were around. I realized this not too long ago when Cyprus Hill’s “Hits from the Bong” came on the stereo while cleaning house with Middle L nearby.