Category Archive


Our sister site Offbeat Mama launched in 2009, became Offbeat Families in 2012, and was merged into Offbeat Home & Life in 2015. This archive contains all the posts ever published on those sites! We believe that while children change your life forever, being around kids doesn’t necessitate abandoning your identity. We believe in supporting and inspiring parents and caregivers who are moving beyond mainstream visions of parenting. We welcome anyone who’s interested in families, whether you’re pre-parental, in the process of becoming a parent, or choosing to live childfree.

What's the protocol for family photos with future in-laws?

What’s the protocol for family photos with future in-laws?

I’ve been dating my partner for about two and a half years and we’re definitely on the road to marriage. He’s very close with his family and they are currently planning some family photos with my partner’s immediate family and his brother’s family (wife and kids). Since we’re not married, it feels weird to be part of their family’s photos, especially when I haven’t met them that many times (they live in another state).

Is it cool to have them take the photos without me? Is that even something you could safely suggest or should I just shut up and get in the picture?

Would you use frozen condoms to soothe your lady parts?

Post-pregnancy people and new mamas: have you heard about this trick to help soothe vaginal trauma post childbirth? The irony of using pregnancy prevention methods to make your vagina feel better post-baby isn’t lost on us. Apparently filling the condoms with water and having them on hand is just a tricksy way of having a perfectly shaped ice pack at the ready.

Are you planning to fill up some condom balloons to soothe your downstairs parts post-pregnancy?

Why ditching my kid to go exercise makes me a better parent

Something I often get mom guilt about is leaving the house to workout. The truth is, leaving the house to get a workout in helps make me a better parent! And it could do the same for you, here’s why…

Childfree gifts to welcome the newly announced into the fold

Gifts to welcome your newly announced childfree friend into the fold

Being childfree (as in, choosing not to have children for any number of reasons) hasn’t been and still isn’t well accepted in a lot of circles, particularly more traditional ones. So the decision to declare yourself childfree to friends and family can be met with a lot of push-back.

If you find yourself in a situation where a friend has told you they have decided to be childfree, perhaps you’d like to give them a token of support, and these childfree gifts are an awesome solution. Whether they’ll be a traveling adventure-seeker, an kick-ass aunt or uncle, a devoted fur parent, or none of the above, there’s a way to say you support them at every turn…

There is no one perfect birth and postpartum model

If you have never had a child, nothing prepares you for what your body goes through. Unless someone tells you. And even then, everyone is different. There is no guarantee that your experience is the same as anyone else’s. Just like being pregnant.

But I still feel like everyone that goes through a pregnancy has a model that they think they need to fit into…

I feel like a “bad mom” for giving up residential custody

I strongly believe that one gender does not parent better than the other. I fully believe men are just as good at parenting as women when put in the same situations. And that the societal idea that men are idiots when it comes to kids and don’t know what they are doing is ignorant.

So why is it that, as a strong feminist, I cannot help shake the guilt that I am sending my child away, or that I am a failure or a bad mom if I let my daughter live with her father?

How do you make the invasiveness of pregnancy less scary for a rape survivor?

I’ve talked to my husband and I’ve talked to a therapist and now I thought I would share my question to see if I could hear from other people who may have been there before or are looking down a similar path. Do you have any coping suggestions for making the OB/midwife (and pregnancy) less scary for a rape survivor?

When baby sleeping techniques fail, will our marriage survive?

I don’t know what I expected regarding sleep with a baby, but it certainly wasn’t that he’d be waking up every hour to two hours at night at six months old, having done this for several months.

We fully intended to follow the National Health Service‘s guidelines on reducing SIDS — keeping him in our room until six months old before moving him into the nursery down the hall. Because of course, by that point he’d be sleeping through that night.

Surprisingly, that isn’t where we are now. And I had given little thought to our relationship would cope in this situation.