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Style & Grooming

Even the most Offbeat Lite among us likes to wear their freak flag on their sleeve sometimes, so we’re happy to share our insights about not-mainstream fashion.

Makeup basics from a makeup artist: 5 ways to prep for fall

Makeup-wise, fall is a time of transition between the easy breezy days of summer and the deeper tones of winter. It is also likely that you’ll need to start tweaking your skincare routine a bit. Here are a few things I am loving going into fall…

Become your own brand of fatshionista: finding the self-confidence to rock your curves

I don’t have a thigh gap; in fact, mine are full of cellulite. My hips are wide, my booty is enormous, I have a belly, my arms are big, and I weigh a solid 300lbs — yet people stop me on the street constantly to compliment me on my style. This is how I found the courage to come out from underneath baggy, shapeless clothes and embrace my curves, “flaws” and all.

Makeup basics from a makeup artist: the 6 best sunscreens that you should definitely be using

We all know we’re supposed to wear sunscreen, but do we? In parts of the country where it’s not as constantly sunshiny as my home in California, it’s easy to think you don’t need it until summer rolls around. Well, study after study says that we do. Now is the time to develop the habit of wearing sunscreen regularly. Here are some of my fave sunscreens as well as some interesting newcomers…

Makeup basics from a makeup artist: The top 10 mascaras (both new and classic)

Without. A. Doubt. the number one product I am asked about is mascara. All the folks who ask about it — laypersons and fellow makeup artists alike — seem to be on the eternal quest for the perfect mascara. All I can do is offer my advice as someone who — because of my work as a makeup artist — has tried a lot of different mascara on a lot of different eyes. In no particular order, here are the top 10 best mascaras…

Finding pants for big bellies, or: Why I rock maternity pants when I’m not pregnant

No pants ever fit! Everyone thinks I am pregnant! Where can I find pants that accommodate a big belly? Then it struck me: Well, maternity pants. Duh. So I have been wearing this Target pair for a few months. But I’m wondering… Do any Offbeat Mamas or Homies with Non-Baby Bumps have more recommendations for belly-accommodating stores or styles that are comfortable and go a step above yoga/sweatpants?

Funky Hair Me: How purple hair dye taught me a lesson about self-identity

I am sitting at my dining room table with a Russian Imperial Stout, and the world’s largest shower cap on my head, and I think I might be having a pre-mid-life crisis.

I have to wear custom orthotics: Is this the end of cute summer shoes?

Due to ongoing hip/back problems and the fact that my left leg is over three centimeters(!) longer then my right one, my doctor has fitted me for custom orthotic insoles. (/dies) Help me Homies, you’re my only hope! Is this the end of cute, airy summer shoes for me?

Where do you find fashion for round tummies?

I’m trying to find clothes that look good and make me happy. The problem? My proportions don’t fit the standard clothing mold. I’m plus size, and I don’t especially like super baggy clothes. Does anyone know of stores or brands that have apple-proportioned clothes that aren’t maternity, are relatively modest, and don’t assume that because I’m bigger, I want to hide my body under a sack?