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Style & Grooming

Even the most Offbeat Lite among us likes to wear their freak flag on their sleeve sometimes, so we’re happy to share our insights about not-mainstream fashion.

Wrap, pin, and win: an edgy zipper headband

This tutorial from mega-talented DIY blogger Stacie over at Stars for Streetlights is the epitome of easy-peasy DIY with big impact. Two ingredients + one step = edgy and awesome wedding hair accessory.

Ditching the boulder holders: 36D and bra-less for two years

I had always just accepted that bras were a necessary part of life, having had my mother tell me repeatedly that if I didn’t wear them, my boobs would sag, and… Wait, no, that was pretty much the main reason. So I got to thinking, and then, after asking myself this all important question, I got to reading. The more I read, the less there seemed to be any kind of information supporting the idea that wearing a bra would prevent one’s breasts from sagging, or indeed have any kind of benefit.

I wear your granddad’s clothes, I look incredible: Avoiding undergarments and 6 other advanced thrifting methods

I’ll go ahead and admit it: I love a good bargain. I think most people do, but I take it a step further. I scour the internet for Ebay stores and vintage shops that have great clothing at decent (we’re talking $12.99 or less, minus shipping) prices. I love Internet window shopping, but there’s no way I’m going to pay anything over $15 for a piece of clothing unless it’s really fucking awesome and unique, or I have somewhere fancy to be.

Enter: thrift stores, otherwise known as my home away from home. If you’re not sure where your local shops are, ThriftShopper might be your new best friend. Since I’m something of a seasoned pro (I’d say at this point, around 85% of my clothing was thrifted), here are a few tricks of the trade that I’ve picked up…

Inside the recycled prom dress-turned-TARDIS

You may have seen this TARDIS dress that has gone viral, but did you know it was the brainchild of Offbeat BrideturnedHomie, Jax!? Here’s the story behind the amazing TARDIS dress that is actually “bigger on the inside.”

Laundry tips and tricks for pitted out shirts

I’ve been wearing some of my favorite basic cotton tops regularly for a few seasons. Overall they’re in great shape, no holes or stains, but they’re starting to get a little funky, and not in the Disco Stu kind of way. The problem is that they fit so close under my arm pits that they’re becoming discolored and musky. I’ve tried cleaning the area with vinegar and stain removers, but it hasn’t taken away the smell. Do my fellow Homies have any laundry tips and tricks dedicated to the pits?

How do you mix tattoos and careers?

I am getting a tattoo on my right forearm, and am very proud of what it is. However when I go on a job interview, my could-be boss might not appreciate it. How do you mix tattoos and careers? Should I cover it up with a long sleeve shirt, be honest about having it, or just walk in and let the chips fall where they may?

Wanna add temporary color streaks to your dark brown or black hair? Grab your gel eye shadow and GO

Looking for a quick fix for color cravings? Go to your make up bag! You can use your gel or cream eye shadows to give yourself temporary hair color that washes out when you’re ready. This works especially well for those of us that have dark hair tresses or have a head full of curls.

Nekkid Lady Party: My tips on how to host a clothing swap

About 8 years ago I moved from Portland to Seattle and realized I had way. Too. Much. Crap. I thought to myself, “Self, you can either donate to Goodwill or you can see if your friends want to pick through your stuff.”

I chose the latter. Girlfriends came over, some brought over clothing and shoes, and thus Lily’s Nekkid Lady Party was born. I’m here to tell you how to throw your own…