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Pop Culture

On meeting your heroes: the Elfquest creators who helped create me

On meeting your heroes: the Elfquest creators who helped create me

This year is #FortyYearsofPointedEars for my favorite graphic novel series, Wendy and Richard Pini’s Elfquest. They are heading to Chicago’s C2E2 which means I’m finally going to get to meet my heroes. Here’s how Elfquest has impacted me (in life, career, and elsewhere) and how I plan to make the best use of my brief moments with them.

Have you met your heroes?

CherryPicks, a woman-centric Rotten Tomatoes competitor, is trying to make a difference in film criticism

CherryPicks, a Rotten Tomatoes competitor, is trying to amplify female voices in film criticism

This year’s SXSW film festival revealed a new entrant into the film criticism portal sphere, CherryPicks, a film criticism site founded by filmmaker Miranda Bailey with a goal of putting a spotlight on the voices of women and minority film critics. Will it help?

What would it take to get you to quit Facebook for good?

What would it take to get you to quit Facebook for good?

Cambridge Analytica, the U.K. data firm which acquired 50 million user profiles in the U.S., and may or may not have used them to help the Trump campaign, is just the latest in a long line of Facebook-related mishaps surrounding security, privacy, ye olde fake news, and so many other issues. But it remains almost as popular as ever, or at least it has been up until now. The online campaigns encouraging us all the quit Facebook are ramping up. So I wondered, what would it take for most of us to actually quit Facebook for good?

This modeling agency is hiring models over 60 and they are STUNNING

This modeling agency is hiring models over 60 and they are #GOALS

In news I am LOVING, a Russian modeling agency is making our lives by only hiring models over 45-years-old, most of whom are over 60. The youngest model at Oldushka, Sergey Arctica, is 45 and by far their youngest. While most of the modeling world is dominated by the white, young, and ultra thin, some agencies are stretching the boundaries of beauty and it’s working. Just wait until you see these knock-outs…

Tom Hanks will be playing Mr. Rogers in a biopic and my heart is going to EXPLODE

Many years ago, I remember my mother telling me how obsessed I had been with Mr. Rogers as a kid. Full-on, glued to the screen obsessed. The whole point of this zeitgeist is that our other pop culture hero Tom Hanks will be starring in a Mr. Rogers biopic based on You Are My Friend, an article published in Esquire 20 years ago by his friend and journalist Tom Junod. I read it and immediately starting feeling all the FEELS. This movie is going to kill me. And my entire generation.

Let's be careful fat shaming public figures (yes, even Trump)

Let’s be careful fat shaming public figures (yes, even Trump)

We definitely want our leaders to be physically and mentally able to take on the huge burdens of leading. But if you’re at all familiar with the Fat Acceptance Movement, you’ll know that being concerned about the weight of others can lead to discrimination, bias, and detrimental health and mental health effects. So when I heard the term “girther” as a play on words for “birther” regarding Donald Trump’s presumed (by some) falsified weight in this last physical exam, I bristled…

How Aziz Ansari is highlighting the differences in consent among the generations

How the Aziz Ansari accusation highlights differences in consent among the generations

I’ve been a fan of Aziz Ansari for years. So when I saw his name pop up in the headlines attached to a sexual encounter, my heart dropped. The issue wasn’t whether she was believed or “right” for me, it was how responses in the media seemed very much divided by age. And where we go from here when it’s not a cut and dry issue of power structures, but rather how consent is dealt with between all of us. Here’s how I’m seeing responses in the different generations…

We admitted the weirdest holiday movies, specials, and episodes we MUST watch every year

We admitted the weirdest (& best!) holiday movies, specials, and episodes we watch every year

The staff here got to talking about holiday movies and it got… weird. I decided to round up some of the more interesting ones (and some of the BEST overlooked ones) that we simply have to watch each year around the holidays.

Sure, we’re all watching Elf, but what are we watching secretly in our beds with the cats and the rest of the advent calendar?