Category Archive


We launched as Offbeat Home in 2011, but it has become clear that the site is about much more. In 2013, we relaunched as Offbeat Home & Life, with an expanded focus on Relationships, Budget & Career, Travel, and Style. This is the category for the non-home/rest of life stuff!

How a body painting model helped me love myself again

I assisted my new fella, the creator and editor of a Portland-based magazine, in securing an interview with a body painter. Being the self-conscious person I was, the thought of volunteering myself for this project was brief and fleeting. I figured there was no way my body could look good being painted like that, as it requires the model to be naked. However, over the six hours it took to paint her from start to finish, I started thinking very heavily about what I was seeing and feeling, and my epiphany started taking shape.

Happy Canada Day from Offbeat Home & Life!

Happy Canada Day! Did you know we have an entire tag archive for the great white north? Grab a spot on the chesterfield, put on some Tragically Hip, hold your maple syrup sceptre high, and take a look:

How a fortune cookie taught me to deal with transitions

Small-town Chinese food outings were part of the fabric of my college days. The food was always delicious, regardless of the spelling, especially when flavored by good conversation and laughter. Fortune cookies offered a final opportunity for a smile — especially when followed with “in bed.” Once a friend got “Everyone knows you are the best.” While that still may be the best fortune, I’ve come across a contender…

How to have a healthy relationship when one partner is unemployed

My name is Sullie, and my partner and I live below the poverty line. What’s more, my partner is unemployed and will likely remain that way for the rest of our lives together. So why am I okay with this? Because my partner’s health issues are chronic and difficult to manage. Here are our steps to living below the poverty line on a single income…

My eyeshadows betrayed me with pinkeye: How you can avoid my fate

I’m not new to the eye makeup game, so you can imagine my surprise when I got visited by a nasty bout of pink eye, especially when nobody around me had it. At first I blamed my brushes, which I admittedly hadn’t washed in a long time. So how, especially after having deep-cleaned my brushes, could I getting pinkeye AGAIN?! Then it dawned on me: My eyeshadows themselves had to be the culprit.

Stash emergency cash inside your phone case

I decided to print out a picture, trim it to size, and stick it between my phone and the clear plastic. But as I was trimming the paper, I had another thought: Emergency cash!

These are the super-subtle Star Wars bathroom items you’ve been looking for

Maybe you’re a huge Star Wars fan, but your live-in partner doesn’t agree with using your childhood Star Wars sheets in your bedroom. Or perhaps you’ve held off on your Death Star-inspired living room decor, since you often host business meetings at home. This, Homies, is why I love getting weird in the bathroom. (No, not like that… well, maybe.) THIS is the super-subtle Star Wars bathroom you’ve been looking for…

This recipe for the perfect nap time might surprise you

I’ve always been a fan of naps (well, of sleeping in general) and I’ve finally discovered the optimal nap time for me: Saturday morning. Yes, seriously, MORNING!