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Our homes are made up of lots of working parts — bedrooms, redecorated kitchens, upgraded baths, ogle-worthy renos, ticks and tricks for cleaning and organizing, and real home tours all live here to represent the spaces of your Offbeat Home.

Monday Moment: a small balcony FULL of color

>I am not mad at how much color Offbeat Homie Kristin squeezed into her small balcony. And it was all achieved with a rainbow of planters and paper lantern string lights!

Make your own action figure terrarium

I love my action figures but I often wish I had a better way to display them rather then gathering dust on a dark shelf. So, when I saw a terrarium a few weeks ago, it hit me: Mini terrariums personalized for each figure would be a perfect and stylish way to show ’em off. Intrigued? Here’s how you make an action figure terrarium…

Dust your home with a lint roller

This afternoon I was using a lint roller on my couch (black cat + white blanket on couch = grey couch) when I had a “BASKETS!” moment. I ripped the clogged-up sheet from the lint roller and ran it over my table: Voila! No more dust or hair!

Land of Nod: exploding with cuteness for your kid’s room all day long

LOOK AT THIS HAPPY RAINBOW BEAR and tell me you’re not excited to find out what else Land of Nod has in store for you! Calling all kids and adults who love kid decor… it’s about to get SHINY and BRIGHT in here.

Let’s talk about what washing machine to buy

We had an older washer break, and apparently it is not something Miss Fix-it here can fix. Being as it is an older washer and repairing may be an endless pit, we have decided to replace it. Does anyone have a washer they’d recommend? Has anyone ever purchased a refurbished appliance, and how did that work out?

The black bedroom and bathroom of your delightfully dark dreams

Tabatha, of Turn Right at Lake Michigan, has been working HARD on her master bedroom — starting from the studs up — and it’s finally finished. It’s dark and beautiful and FULL of gothy inspiration. But wait until you see the black bathroom action. Now this is how one does a BLACK home decor…

Got an old t-shirt? Use it to make a headband for yourself!

I saw this pin on Pinterest recently in which someone used a baby’s old shirt to make a headband for the baby. “A-ha!” I thought, “How clever.” Except I have a son, not a daughter, and dude isn’t into wearing ANYTHING on his head — not even the scraps of his cool old clothing. Then it occurred to me that I don’t need to have a kid to do this — I can chop up some of MY old stuff and give it a whirl! So I did.

Make this Jack Daniel’s soap dispenser

What a lovely way to reuse those liquor bottles: slap a pump dispenser on the top and VOILA! Frothy Jack Daniel’s soap dispenser, for some perfect clean-hand hair-of-the-dog action. Oh and of course you can buy one on Etsy for $20, if you’re not feeling crafty.