Category Archive

Pimp my kid’s room

Unique nursery decor, kid’s room decorating ideas, and more!

Retro space nursery turned big kid’s room for two

Remember the Retro Space Nursery we featured in 2009? Well, Leah’s two boys have grown significantly (one’s a toddler, and the other is in preschool), and the room was due for an upgrade!

Brigsby’s kind of crazy carnivalesque nursery

Brigsby’s nursery is all kinds of carnival-inspired, hand-me-down greatness. Jamie and her husband used a lot of their own belongings and heaps of imagination to create a wonderful resting spot.

Uli’s sweet animal-filled nursery

Elka had animals on her mind when decorating the nursery for her son, Uli. Elka has previously written about backpacking with a baby and dealing with diabetes while pregnant on Offbeat Mama.

Another closet kid’s room — FOR TWO KIDS!

So I thought I was being clever having my baby sleep in the walk-in closet? One San Franciscan is looking at fitting TWO kids into a closet!

A birch tree nursery–with a twist

We live in a mid-century modern house that backs to trees, so we wanted the room to be modern and reflect the natural landscape outside. We also needed it to be gender-neutral, as we declined to learn the sex of the baby, and would like to use the room as-is for any future babies. We […]

A Star Wars-themed bunk bed? I’m not sure life gets any better.

OH. MY. GOD. I’m not sure why the universe is sending us so many Star Wars and baby related rooms and announcements , but wow. THANK YOU, universe. Lindsey sent me a link to this ATAT bed last night, most likely because she is well aware of the ridiculous degree to which Sean and I […]

The most psychedelically blissed out nursery you’ve ever seen

HOLY MOLY. When Ariel forwarded me the photos of Cassandra’s wondrously psychedelic nursery, (which she found on SaucyDwellings) I just about swooned and died. One before the other, but still.

The baby closet, six months later

We converted the walk-in closet of our one-bedroom condo into a nursery. You may be asking yourself, “Self, how’d that whole Ariel-sticking-her-baby-in-the-closet thing work out?