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Do It Yourself

How-tos, photos and topics of DIY discussion.

Paint the handles of wooden spoons

…More like AWESOME idea of the day. Turn your old wooden spoons into a color-coordinated rainbow-dipped set. Crystal from A Little Bit Funky posted a whole tutorial on her site — including what she used to seal up the spoons safely. You could use them as art OR as useful utensils!

Offbeat Homies Weekend Challenge: nerdy cupcakes or unicorn heads!?

We’re heading into a three-day holiday weekend here in the States, and I figured that after the success of Megan’s hilarious cooking challenge, it would be fun to try a little READER challenge, wherein we challenge Homies to take on a DIY project of our choosing, and then we can all compare results.

How to make an awesome custom piñata

The fella and I decided we wanted to have an Awesome Wedding Piñata. Sadly, the options at the party store did nothing for either of us, and the usual "Coat a balloon in papier-mache!" method didn't seem likely to render a suitably Awesome result.

So I mashed together a few different online tutorials, and I now share the magic! 13 steps of magic!

Paint your own polka dot rug

Rugs can transform a mediocre space into something more special but it’s not always easy to find one you love on a tight budget. While nothing can compare to that rug you’ve been saving up for, this DIY is a great option for areas that need a little pick me up such as a studio, a guest room, or your front porch.

Low-sew curtains: 50 minutes of work for a showy result

I had a length of freshly washed fabric folded up and hung over the railing in the dining room for well over a month. I’d picked it up at the fabric shop directly after reading a how-to for making my own no-sew curtains out of burlap.

Now, I’m not much into burlap (shocking, I know), but I was certain I could replicate this style with something a little more my speed. So I purchased some fabric I liked and did a quick sketch to set myself in the right direction (a direction I like to call, “A Hair Short of Wing-It”).

Roofing materials that are recycled, better looking, and easier on your budget

Our home needs a new roof. It’s been asphalt shingling, and it’s fine, but if I can manage to keep it in budget I’d much rather use a greener material. Or even just a cheaper material. Or something that looks nice! Really, I guess I want to jazz my roof UP!

Do or don’t: Bright front doors and painter’s remorse

I want to paint our front door a BIG bright color, but my partner’s got reservations. Some help from the community would really help us make a decision about this.

Make your own ironing board that fits anywhere

I hate ironing. Don’t we all? I’ve avoided buying everyday clothes that have to be ironed because, ultimately, they end up at the back of the closet. It’s also tough when you’re used to apartment dwelling without enough space for a full sized ironing board. A few years back I bought an upright steamer which made the situation a little easier to manage. However, with frequent sputtering, I think the life of my steamer is coming to an end. So I needed a new solution. I immediately though of making a new ironing board. I could control the size and had a lot of the materials on hand already.

First things first, I needed slab of wood.