We’re heading into a three-day holiday weekend here in the States, and I figured that after the success of Megan’s hilarious cooking challenge, it would be fun to try a little READER challenge, wherein we challenge Homies to take on a DIY project of our choosing, and then we can all compare results.
How to accept the Offbeat Homies Weekend Challenge:
- Pick from one of our two DIY projects
- Complete the project this weekend (meaning by the end of the day on Monday May 28, since it’s a holiday)
- Submit your photos to us via Flickr or email.
So, what are you doing this weekend: Cupcakes or a unicorn head?
HOMIE CHALLENGE OPTION #1: Make nerdy cupcakes with sanding sugar.

Ok, so Liz just told you how to make rainbow sanding sugar just this morning. For this weekend’s challenge, I’d love to see how Homies can apply that sanding sugar to some super nerdy cupcakes. TARDIS blue? Jar Jar Pinx? Captain Hammer Cakes? WE WANT TO SEE. You can make the cupcakes from a mix, but we want to see your rainbow sugar on top in your nerdiest stylings.
HOMIE CHALLENGE OPTION #2: Make a paper maché unicorn head
Source: lilblueboo.com via Ariel on Pinterest

Last Thursday, we posted the first of what we hope will be many Offbeat Homies Weekend Challenges. We gave readers a choice of two DIY... Read more
Follow Lil Blue Boo’s tutorial on how to make this sweet-ass unicorn head for your wall. It doesn’t have to be a unicorn, even. We just want to see you make some paper mache taxidermy.
Remember, it’s not about how AWESOME your project turns out. Think of poor Megan and her cooking challenge: the best videos she made were the ones where she was fucking struggling. At the Offbeat Empire, your DIY disasters aren’t failures — they’re entertainment! We love vomit-ball cake pops! There’s a whole category on Offbeat Mama for Stephanie’s ugly DIY. The joy is in trying and sharing, not in making something pretty and perfect that you can sell on Etsy. (Although sure: that’d be a nice result too.)
So let’s do this:
- Pick from one of our two DIY projects (and post a comment here!)
- Complete the project this weekend (meaning by the end of the day on Monday May 28, since it’s a holiday)
- Submit your photos to us via Flickr or email by Tuesday May 29th.
Team Cupcake. Definitely Team Cupcake.
I’m resisting the urge to replicate the blueberry snack cake that glowed an eerie green through its mud-like topping, as I’m not sure the effect can be recreated without turning the sugar into a streusel. The first time was not on purpose.
I was recently “tagged” in a post by a friend on FB. The link led me here. If I’ve got an extra second, or three to spare, I would definitely join in taking challenge #2, the paper mâché unicorn. Hope to join the fun but between all the other projects I’ve got going on, I may not make it. Last ordeal was to make “Hello Kitty” Cake pops for my daughters party…….never made a cake pop anything before…..too bad I didn’t record that. Though in the end I at least got a few pops that looked “kitty-ish”.
I love this idea! My work week does not coincide with the regular monday thru friday schedule, as I’m sure many other on here are the same way. Next time maybe we could make it a ‘week-long’ challenge instead of just the weekend so more people can spend time making awesome stuff =)
I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with!
I would totally have partaken, but my schedule is wonky too! A week for future challenges is a great idea – although I’m tempted to make the unicorn head anyways! Just to see what my husband says when he comes home to see it on the wall!
uh, thats a tough one… love the cupcakes but the unicorns are nice too!
Team Cupcake! Now to plot…
photos posted! http://www.flickr.com/photos/larisselillie/7286578056/in/pool-offbeathome
Hah I run a little cupcake business on the side and still have around 40 left over in my house from filling an order for six dozen last weekend so I may have to modify these a bit for some nerdy cupcakes. I’m already making gluten free Queen Regency cupcakes this Sunday for a Jane Austen themed tea party anyways, lol, might as well bring out a few other references.
And then I might make a unicorn too because unicorns rock. 🙂
I see nerdy cupcakes in my future. Let’s see what geeky-inspired color combo me and the Kid can come up with. We may hit the comic shelves for inspiration.
Team fauxidermy! This is the PERFECT object d’art to place above our bed!!
Ooh, be sure you capture a “before” picture so that we can see the “after” of your magical creature over the bed!
Stand back! I have a stack of old comic books to rip up for crafting – and I’m not afraid to use them!
(Team fauxidermy here.)
Team Unicorn all the way!!! This will force me to take breaks from working in the garden all weekend!
Team cupcake! If I can find the time, that is. I feel some harry potter themed cupcakes are in order!
Team fauxidermy!!!
Not sure about the unicorn, Still thinking up some ideas. Going to start it tonight, whatever it winds up being.
TEAM UNICORN! although I probably won’t actually make it, I can’t wait to see them
OK, so because Ariel told me that crafting was more important than zzzzzzs to my sleep deprived brain I am TEAM UNICORN.
well TEAM OCTOPUS actually – because everything is better when you put a tentacle on it!
and so it begins…
I cannot WAIT to see this!
Ha! I saw your conversation with your partner on flickr, and I laughed really hard 🙂 Do we have the same boyfriend?? 😀
Team Cupcake entry – Panda Cupcakes (ok, no rainbows, but still yummy) http://flic.kr/p/c64bCS
Very cute!!!
but what happened to the one in the middle to mzke him a sad panda?
We think he stubbed his chocolatey-nose.
Im halfway through a pair of mini unicorns…looks like they may actually work!!!
YAY I want to see your unicorns!!
Crap, I’m too late! But I WILL be making a unicorn head eventually. AWESOME. I hope more posts like this happen!
So didn’t have time to do the papermache (though I want to because I’m 27 and have NEVER done it) but I did make some yummy honey almond mini cupcakes Friday night. The cake it self is an almond cake and the frosting is this to die for honey butter. Kids loved it, adults loved it and now the recipe goes into my secret formula! mwhahaha (there is only 2 in that file as I share most everything). I did take a few minutes to make some colored sugar, and at first made it a nice pretty light blue forgetting that it needs to be NERDY! so half a bottle of blue food dye later I get it as close to TARDIS blue as I can with out being grossed out at the amount of dye needed and voila! http://www.flickr.com/photos/79539204@N03/7289997262/
OMG Gorgeous Tardis Blue. I’m in love with your nerdy cupcakes and your little Doctor. 🙂
Today’s life lessons:
1. Pistachio cupcakes do not turn out green.
2. I am not coordinated enough to make designs with sanding sugar, unless amorphous blobs count.
3. While I ordinarily hate frostings and glazes, make the glaze with orange flower water, and I’m likely to lick the bowl to the point of getting it stuck on my head, like cats with yogurt containers.
4. Neon food coloring makes everything better.
(My nerdiness is my music obsession. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.)
Those are beautiful colors, and I heart the mind-picture of your “like a cat with a yogurt container” delicious frosting 🙂
Oh I had so much fun with my nerdy cupcakes – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! With a little pizza cupcake to share! I even took out my pet rat Splinter to pose with them – he was very confused.
THESE. ARE. THE. COOLEST. Love these SO much. Hellz yes for team cupcake!
Me and the Kid made X-Men blue and yellow cupcakes to celebrate the big Marvel wedding. She’s now insisting that the next cupcakes must be My Little Pony-themed.
I approve of the kid’s suggestion.
youve got to do another challenge! I didnt get to get in on this one
We are absolutely doing another challenge — be watching for it tonight!