Offbeat Home wants your shots! Upload your photographs to our Flickr pool and we’ll alllllll look at them. If you want a nudge, take a look at these tips for photographing your home. You can also submit stories, tours, how-tos, questions, and clicky links. Check out the submissions page for all the information.
Come with me this Monday and tiptoe through the Offbeat Home Flickr Group to enjoy uploads from our readers.

Enough with the porn. Bring on the links!
- I’ve been on a tear with documentaries. Last week the best one was The Real Dirt on Farmer John, a Netflix Instant Streaming flick about one of the largest Community Supported Agriculture farms in the US and the man behind bringing it to life. Consider this a tease for later this week, and watch the docu now.
- If you’ve been pondering growing your own mushrooms but aren’t quite ready to soak a batch of logs, maybe check out The Mushroom Kit. I know I’m intrigued.
- Oh HEY. Our text ads (at the top of each post, just below the byline) are just $5. Look!
- SPEAKING OF, new advertiser Ryan Wollard of Charity Paintings donates all his proceeds to a cause of your choice. Fight the rage, buy a painting.
- Any Offbeat Mamas in the house? This training dresser is mad cool — I think I’d like it for myself.
- Check it: vintage Disney posters which just hit auction. Way cool.
- It’s bike month! Well, it’s almost the end of bike month. Here’s an instructable to help you make a gadget to leave a trail of flowers wherever you bike.
- Go, go, go, go to the punk nursery and baby shower that was on Offbeat Mama last week. A pitch-perfect interpretation of an adult theme in a way that works for kids.
OMG! The Sewing studio and that chandelier! Once again my monday is made.
That cupcake is so freaking WIN
Charity Paintings (in the links) is my friend Ryan’s project and it is so fantastic! He’s already donated $680 to great charities through the project. Plus, the paintings are gorgeous.