Remember when Ariel freaked out about the bathtubs in Puerto Rico? Well, I’m doing something similar with the doors of Morocco! I have not been able to take one walk through the streets of Morocco without stopping to take a photo of a door or a window.
The buildings may all be painted roughly the same color (our taxi driver called it “Morocco rouge”), but the people who live there spare no color nor decor expense on their freaking doors! As I stated in on Snapchat, Morocco has it’s door game on fleek, y’all!
Scroll through these pics, be amazed and inspired to re-think your doors at home…

And don’t even get me started on Moroccan tile… I want to cover my house in them, at the same time that I rip off my boring doors, and get to Morocco levels of walk-stopping curb appeal. Anyone else feeling me on this?
I went to Morocco last year and had a similar experience. The tiles and doors … my lord, they were amazing. The entire country was fabulous, quite frankly. I’d go back in a heartbeat.
Oooh! I have never been to Morocco, but I have always loved their doors and windows! And have often wondered how to achieve something like that here. A few ideas, waiting for some blissful day when I own my own home.
1. Cover a door in faux leather, tucked in at the edges and held in place with upholstery tacks. More upholstery tacks could sketch out a design.
2. Covering the carved rectangle design on so many doors with mandala-like stickers emulating tile. If you can’t find mandala stickers to your liking, you can make your own on sites like Zazzle (I know they can make design-your-own stickers, but there must be others as well.) Or, if the door is plain, setting them diamond-fashion (corners up, down and sideways) in lines.
3. Possibly using fake leading for faux stained glass work to imitate wrought iron.
No guarantees on any of this, but no harm in brainstorming.
That leather idea would take these doors to a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL! That would be bad-ass.
Amazing! I’ve never been to the real Morocco but I found the architecture in the mini-Morocco at Epcot absolutely beautiful and fascinating. Once we find a house one of the first things we want to do is replace whatever the door is with a blue door that has a small square window with bars over it like in A Nightmare on Elm Street.
I think you photographed them as much as I would! Wow! Thats such a cool way to make your home individual when it’s all terraced and joined instead of a house on its own block. I love it! Special faves being that electric blue wall + cat, and the tiny colourful tiles on the steps with the two pink doors. And also the amazing security railing, so much prettier than solid bars that make your house a prison.
Yeah, they do security railings RIGHT here. I don’t know why more people don’t adopt those gorgeous patterns instead of those ominous bars.