What do you get when you combine Star Wars, school portraits, Etsy, and artist Jessie Caballero? Some kickass art, y’all. I mean, seriously — look at little Darthie’s school portrait!

You know what’s (almost) even more amazing about this print? It’s only FIVE DOLLARS. Oh, what was that I heard? Dozens of mice clicking over to the shop and buying everything? I totally understand this. I’m pretty sure any number of pieces would be perfect for a nursery (just me?), kid’s room, or even, you know, your kitchen.
SPOCK LOVES HAN SOLO. I can’t even. !!!
I know plenty of you guys are Where the Wild Things Are fans around here… who doesn’t love and adore Carol?!
Where’s Waldo, you ask? Oh, you know. Over there in the corner rotting. LOVE IT.
I could spend an hour or so at Jessie’s shop (I may have last night), but she also has a super fancy professional website that’s worth a gander or five.
I think I need that Waldo….
No Darth anymore 🙁
Contact her on Etsy! I bought an 8×10 version via email. I’m sure she still has plenty, they may just not be listed right now.