Fluid Friday means that today we’re covering all things drinkable. Enjoy! -Cat
On one of my first days in Thailand, a friend introduced me to dok un chan, or butterfly pea tea. It was bright purple & sweet and I was hooked. I set about learning how to make it myself.
Soon, I learned the tea came from drying the blue flower of a beautiful vine. These vines are everywhere, and I began collecting the seed pods from the streets and growing my own.

Here is how to make this very healthy, beautiful tea.
You’re so cute 🙂 This tea looks like fun!
I have a granddaughter who’s fascinated by tea ceremonies – this looks like a wonderful project to do with her to let her grow her own tea!
oooo good idea! i think kids would love it. you could also do mint easily.
Oh Thailand, you are so colorful, I miss you!
Thank you for bringing back memories of my visit there. The amazing variety of drinks they have, especially related to Tea, is wonderful!
you’re so right! one of the first things i noticed about both thai & lao culture is how extremely central food & nature are to everything. it’s so interesting! everyone i meet seems to know the benefits of everything. when i order food, they will tell me what it will do for me. like this is good for your skin, this will warm you up, & , like this tea, it’s good for your vision.
First, snicker with me about the scientific name:
Apparently, it will grow in US zones 8-11.
Now time for questions:
Is the citrus necessary, or is the tea drinkable without it? I realize it’s LIKE OMG MAGIC COLOUR CHANGE, but I was just curious. 🙂
i often drink it w/o the citrus, but the citrus is for flavor also. it tastes better with it, but it’s fine without it. some people even use berry juice.
if you live in a colder zone you can grow chamomile, lavender and mint, they all work beautifully as teas and drying them is pretty simple.
yes, & raspberry as well!
oh! i forgot to tell you that you should try it chilled. very good.
Could you grow this indoors?
the internet says yes, but i have never done it.